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Posts posted by lake

  1. This is my first time finding this forum and I just had to reply to this question.

    I don't know all the terms and degrees of balding but will describe the best I can.

    About age 45 I went to Orlando for hair transplant. This procedure involved cutting and lifting the sides and back up so that when it came time to do grafting there would be less needed and supposedly the side hairs that were still to fallout would be accounted for down the road. They stretched and stretched and even though numb I could feel the constant needles used to inject the numbing stuff.

    My scalp wasn't as loose as they thought. Lotta trauma to the scalp and sides. They did the graphs and made a realistic hairline all was about 5K. My head is very scarred from the scalp lift and so I don't feel comfortable shaving my head. This doctor was a butcher.

    Later I arranged locally to have more hair transplanted to fill in around the surgery and the Doctor was good. Well my head looked like it needed much more but money was an issue so I lived with it.

    I'm now 55 and thought maybe I'd give covering a try and searched online.....seemed like Dermatch was a good choice and so far the only one I've ever used. At first it filled in quickly and I thought that was amazing. After using about 1-2 months about I thought I was imagining that I was having to apply farther and farther around the crown area where the bald area meets the hair and that surrounding area was thinner and thinner. Also in back on top less hair and on sides half way down to ears, like mange almost. Like I said I thought I was imagining but at 55 I thought what I had on the sides etc. would pretty much stay. I used it for maybe 4 months altogether. I don't understand it all but it happened and it could happen to someone else and for people concerned about baldness they don't want to lose anymore..

    One other thing. It sticks and dirties the white fiberglass shower I have and clogs the drain. If you have an outdoor shower or tiled shower maybe you don't notice but it seems the grout would be black. Signed up just to post this for Jazz.

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