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Posts posted by phillyphanatic

  1. Again, thanks for the help E - I think I was a little to gung-ho to get this procedure done. I'm going to sit back, take a deep breath, and do some research for a while. It wasn't even the doc who was pushing me, it was me being too excited to get it done. I think what I'll do is start on Propecia and see how that works for a little while before making any drastic decisions.


    Thanks again - I'll definitely be checking back to update my progress

  2. First of all, THANKS everyone for the great information. Sorry I couldn't get back earlier, I was down at the Phils game this afternoon.


    I'm pretty green when it comes to these procedures, however, it sounds like I'm better off if I wait until after my wedding in September to have the procedure done. I was told to take the "downtime" very seriously, but it would only be about 7 days.


    I have a nice "tuft" in the front, with good enough coverage up top to adequately cover any redness. My concern is when it comes to noticeable redness/scarring is any lowering of my hairline.


    The doc I consulted with is Dr. Pistone in Marlton, NJ. He is a member of the American Hair Loss Association and the IAHRS. Anyone hear of him?


    Thanks again everyone for the answers and support, and any further insight would be great!

  3. One more thing - I'm getting married in late September. From anyone's experience, if you were me would you wait until after the wedding or is it safe to get the procedure done in early May? Also, I love being at the beach/pool during the summer, pretty much anything outside while it's warm. How will the procedure affect my ability to do those things?


    Any advice would be much appreciated

  4. Thanks for the response Acro. I was told I'll need about 1800 grafts, and it will be an FUT procedure (strips). I was told that he wouldn't be shaving the donor area.


    Thanks for the advice as well. I'll certainly take being the "HT guy" into consideration, however, with some of the pictures of scarring I've seen, I don't see how it's avoidable for people to know during the first few weeks.


    Thanks again!

  5. I'm a 26 year old male considering follicular unit transplant surgery. I've been categorized as in between a level 3 and 4 on the hair loss scale. I'm wondering what a realistic time frame is to return to work without it being ridiculously obvious that I had this procedure done. I work in the financial services industry, so any time off means lost dollars! I'll probably tell my friends that I'm having it done anyway so I'm not worried about people knowing. I'm just worried from the pictures of scarring at the 5-7 day time frame. Any insight would be appreciated!

  6. I'm a 26 year old male considering follicular unit transplant surgery. I've been categorized as in between a level 3 and 4 on the hair loss scale. I'm wondering what a realistic time frame is to return to work without it being ridiculously obvious that I had this procedure done. I work in the financial services industry, so any time off means lost dollars! I'll probably tell my friends that I'm having it done anyway so I'm not worried about people knowing. I'm just worried from the pictures of scarring at the 5-7 day time frame. Any insight would be appreciated!

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