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Posts posted by jordan01

  1. I am 16 yrs old and over the summer i got really really depressed. like severe sadness everyday day and night. i was really sad and depressed cuz i was lonely...also i wasn’t taking care of my scalp and was putting it in really tight buns at night with wet hair that wasn’t dried properly and scratching it like crazy. when school started my hair was fine but it was shedding a tiny bit. i dyed my hair soft black and only kept it in 15 minutes instead of the 30 min u r supposed to let the hair dye soak for.  a month later my hair started shedding really badly.  the last three months i have been shedding a ton and my bangs in front have gotten thinner. I’ve always had naturally fine straight hair and a slightly receding looking hairline. also one of my temples has always looked like it’s receding a little since middle school but now both are receding. i just want to know if this is obvious male pattern baldness or if it’s possible to be from that severe depression phase over the summer. or if it’s the hair dye idek. i am getting a scalp biopsy done soon but in the meantime i am taking vitamins to see if that improves anything. anyone have any opinions or theories on this? i think 16 is just so early to be going bald.





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