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Posts posted by Rareynolds

  1. Just wanted to post some pictures 6 months on. Really happy with the progress and feel my hairline looks really natural. Still taking Finasteride and topical minoxidil daily and hoping as I continue I will get more thickness from the hair. 
    also thinking about dyeing my hair blonder Has anyone any advice on this I am getting mixed advice.  


  2. Just wanted to share my pictures post 2000 grafts on the temples on 12 November 2019. 

    I was holidaying in Bangkok and decided a procedure there was logical to cut costs on any further travel. 

    I opted for a procedure with Dr Prima Tossaborvorn at Hairsmith as they seemed professional and not too inexpensive which always concerns me. I might admit that I jumped into it without doing too much research but was happy with the decision. 

    Overall I am happy with the whole process and how it went, nothing really different from most other procedures. During my initial consultation I was shown the areas that the grafts would be placed and asked about what I thought, truth be told I wasn’t sure -  you kind of put your faith in the professionals at the time and hope they know what they are doing. 

    My one concern is that the temples were filled in to build me a new hairline and the middle was completely left. I have been given finasteride and minoxidil which seems to have good effectiveness from other people’s reviews. However I haven’t seen any other instances where this has been the case. 

    Anyone have any thoughts or experiences on this? My worry is that the newly grafted hair and the old hair won’t match in density and look a bit mismatched. 

    The whole feeling seems to be “well if you don’t get the right results just get another transplant” which I won’t rule out but I’m slightly concerned this procedure is doomed from the get go. Will attach pictures. 



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