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Posts posted by Gman1

  1. On 7/29/2020 at 5:30 PM, Gabreille Nelson Mukhia said:

    You are only 20 years old which is very young. You should focus on a healthy lifestyle: good diet, sufficient sleep, stress management, physical activities and avoiding harsh chemicals on the hair. You can also keep taking the hair specific multivitamins. Don't leave Minoxidil abruptly when you are using it. It has withdrawel effects where you'll feel more hair fall. You can also talk to your doctor if you can take Finasteride if it is infact the onset of baldness. You can prevent baldness from taking away your hair. 

    Most of all, enjoy your 20s. Don't worry about it a lot.

    Wish you the best.

    Yes my doctor told me to take biotin supplements & she prescribed me rogaine(minoxidil 5%). So you’re telling me I should avoid chemicals like minoxidil for my hair? Or what are you referring to specifically? 
    Also what do you mean I can prevent baldness from taking away my hair ?

    • Like 1
  2. On 7/29/2020 at 3:07 PM, gillenator said:

    Ok, sounds good my friend....a couple of things:

    You want to make sure your dermatologist is experienced in treating all forms of hair loss because it varies between them...if she is indeed experienced in treating hair loss, then she should have a good working knowledge of all the medications to treat MPB, especially those that inhibit DHT.

    Based on your initial post in this thread, it appears that you will turn 21 this year right?...so IMHO, you are not too young to start hair loss meds.

    And again IMHO, trying topical solutions is definitely worth it to see how you respond.

    Yeah the day I posted this thread I had seen 3 medical professionals for my hair situation. First was my personal doctor he’s a male so I felt his insight would be better than most but he did say that my hair is still in a good condition rather than other progressing hair losses that was a 2 years ago. He referred me to a hair specialist to examine my scalp to diagnosis which he also stated that it was Androgenic alopecia(MPB). Then I went to a dermatologist the beginning of the year to perform a scalp biopsy to confirm that my hairloss was TE which was stress induced & accelerated my hair loss. So I say I’ve had enough opinions on my condition I think including you guys you’ve been a big help I appreciate the wisdom guys honestly means alot🙏

    So I’ll take the advice and start investing into topical solutions since that seems best for me. 

  3. On 7/24/2020 at 2:48 PM, gillenator said:

    There are potential side effects from Dutasteride as well...I have never heard of anyone having any real efficiency from saw palmetto or Nizoral but they are still worth a try because everyone responds differently, some have better results than others.

    Okay sounds good man thanks for the feedback dude! I really appreciate it, also I see my dermatologist for follow up in a couple days. I wonder what insight she’ll give me if I mention finasteride or any DHT treatment most likely she would be against it as of now due to my young age. And my current unhealthy condition but more or less I would like to start saving & halting my hair loss ASAP. So sooner or later I’m going to research into anti androgen topical solutions since I heard they are to an extent less risky with side effects.

    Once I start my regimen I’ll post a before & after update in a couple months since I’m starting from scratch by shaving all my hair. See you soon bro! 

  4. On 4/29/2020 at 1:27 PM, gillenator said:

    Did your doctor inform you that minoxidil does not inhibit DHT in any way?...minoxidil has been proven to improve hair shaft diameter and prolong the growth period (anagen phase) however unless you start a more effective medication such as low dose finasteride, the hair loss will progress.

    Finasteride has been proven to effectively inhibit DHT for many men and I would encourage you to look into it.

    BTW, I always thought that TE might have been a contributing factor for you.

    No my doctor did not mention any DHT treatment.. I am still young & scared of the side effects from finasteride.. so that being said I haven’t officially started any regiment cause I would still like to see the many options to treat it. As of this day my hairline is now officially Norwood 1 sadly.. so here are my final concerns & questions..

    What are other effective alternatives combating DHT buildup besides finasteride? I have heard of dutasteride & RU but not well informed of it. If I do decide to get on Finasteride is the topical solution less risky? Or is a natural source of treatment like saw palmetto a good way to also combat DHT?

    Honestly kind of desperate now Is the BIG 3 really my best options from now on to treat my situation? (Minox+Fin+Nizoral)

    here are some updated pics...




  5. On 11/13/2019 at 10:06 PM, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Well 2,000 calories isn't that low, but yes vitamin deficiencies can cause hair loss. Biotin, Vitamin D and other deficiencies can cause thinning. Homeless people for the most part don't starve, they have people feed them. Why don't you eat enough? Is there a particular reason why?


    On 11/23/2019 at 9:28 AM, Curious said:

    If you go to the right doctor, he can take a video camera and look at your scalp under magnification to see if your hair is miniaturizing in certain areas, to see if you have mpb.  I'll defer to someone with more knowledge, but normally a scalp biopsy would not be done just because someone's hair was thinning.  There is no blood test that will indicate whether you will keep your hair or lose it.  5'7, 110 lbs is very thin.  It is highly unlikely that there is any relationship between your weight and your hair, but in the interest of overall health and well being, why don't you try having one additional meal each day and a multi-vitamin.


    On 11/26/2019 at 1:25 PM, gillenator said:

    Sorry about that...I thought you also took Accutane...so we can rule that out for you Gman.

    This could still be a case of TE based on your age and generalized overall thinning of your scalp.

    Are you planning on seeing a doctor?...having blood work analysis done is also a good idea.because yes there are a number of types of hair loss other than MPB.

    But you are in fact showing MPB in your crown...it may be a combination of reasons for these types of hair loss that you are experiencing.

    Hey Guys, I know it’s been awhile since I was last active on this discussion also this may not be good timing on my part due to COVID I’m pretty sure you guys are all focused on your priorities especially during this horrible situation that’s affecting all of our lives in some way my prayers & respects to everyone....

    this will be a update after getting all my test & results from blood work, examinations, and even a scalp biopsy procedure...


    So my doctor stated that my vitamins & minerals were all normal levels nothing to be found in my blood that would seem to be having an impact on my hair growth that was done to me late December when my hair was pretty long and besides ruling out the fact that I still need to improve my weight & gaining mass issue... overall she said I was fine and nothing abnormal. She gave me some shampoo(Betamethasone) to clear any dandruff, itchiness or irritation on my scalp and told me to return in a month for results. Which gave some aesthetic benefits bringing it some shine and on that day the doctor has said it helped somewhat and I I have a lot of hair compared to others basically trying to tell me what I want to hear but not what I actually need to hear so obviously not the outcome I was looking for because I’m still experiencing miniaturization.... still I was determined to find out what’s really causing my hair to fallout.
    So then came the procedure I was asked to be performed on me beginning of February the scalp biopsy the after math wasn’t fun once it was done cause I literally had to wait for results right when this pandemic was in its progressive stages )): 

    so sadly I couldn’t be appointed to until last week to get to hear my results & final thoughts in person from my doctor. She started by saying that my hair went through that shedding phase all the time was a stress induced reaction which caused my hair to have telogen effluvium for a long period time and then which it advanced and accelerating my androgenic alopecia that runs in some of my family. I couldn’t believe that it was combination of both hair loss conditions. During the time between on getting my procedure & my last advice about my hair last week.. I had shaved my head bald within these last 2 months and i noticed the decrease in hair falling out but you can clearly see that my hair is lacking volume & thickness even when short the quality was the same my progression was & still is stagnant. But yet my doctor says my hair looks normal as of now and that I shouldn’t worry much since my hair now going through the early stages of androgenic alopecia and I should start basic treatment now like minoxidil that it would benefit me cause I’m young and that were catching this situation early.

    So she concluded with saying your hair may not as be as thick before like when I was in high school but if I were to start on treating my hair with minoxidil and improving my health status it’s most likely I would regain hair that I lost & see results but it will take months to notice any change due to the implementing minoxidil in my daily routine in life. She said if I wanted my hair to return to its natural look that I needed to hop on minoxidil and if I do I could keep my hair as long as I want & kind of prevent from losing even more hair follicles so my situation wouldn’t worsen. Overall I guess I’ll have to start buying & utilizing rogaine daily also I plan to take a lot of supplements like omega vitamins, biotin & especially have a healthier lifestyle considering the other factors taking a toll on me and I’ll start doing scalp massages to stimulate more blood flow to my head if necessary...she’d like to see me in 3 weeks to go over anything she may have missed & examine my records one last time i assume.


    Well that about wraps everything about my hair loss I’m still very very new to this so I’d like to hear your guys feedback on getting the best results or any alternatives, opinions that may be considered valuable insight you got on my hairs journey to get it in a better position if y’all are willing to share & if you guys have the time too....

    Should I start minoxidil immediately? If so which application should I use? Foam or liquid? How do I apply it? Is there a specific method or technique? What days should be my regimen schedule when using minoxidil? Should I consider on purchasing a dermaroller? Are dermarollers reliable? Is it true that they are effective on hair line regrowth? Does dermarolling show stacked results while also using minoxidil? If not anything else comes to mind on what can help my hair please? 

    thanks I appreciate you all...

  6. 59 minutes ago, Curious said:

    It's unlikely.  Are you going to see a second doctor for an evaluation?  How tall are you and how much do you weigh?

    Yes I’m going to get a physical check the beginning of next month. And I’m 5’7 weight about like 110. But when I’m getting evaluated by the doctor for my hair & health what tests should I tell them to do so I can check what’s going on with my hair? For example: scalp biopsy, iron levels, vitamins levels, haircare, dht levels etc etc..

  7. 9 hours ago, gillenator said:

    In your initial pics that you put up, your crown shows the typical type of loss in the crown that is associated with MPB.

    Having said that, the other pics show generalized thinning throughout your scalp and IMHO, it does not look like DPA. 

    I don't believe your loss is caused by a poor diet...but one of the most interesting factors you stated was the fact that you were on Accutane.

    I have seen a number of cases like yours of young guys who took Accutane for acne and had very similar hair loss pattern.

    And yes, I believe Accutane can advance the progression of MPB.

    Now please understand that I am not stating this is in fact the cause of your hair loss, I am just stating that IMHO, it looks like loss associated with side effects from Accutane usage.

    I wasnt the guy who used accutane that was the other guy. im just now experiencing a lot of hair shedding this year. It’s weird cause no one in my family is bald literally no one. Also is it possible to have more than 1 type of hair loss attacking my hairs?

  8. On 11/12/2019 at 6:07 PM, Melvin-Moderator said:

    What is your current diet, caloric intake and weight? It's possible that you're losing hair due to vitamin deficiencies. I asked you this question in another thread, but you haven't answered. It's really difficult to give you advice unless we know what's going on with your diet. Also, why is your diet so bad? is it due to financial issues, stress, mental? 

    I had mention my daily calorie intake on the other thread! And yeah my mom says im not taking all my daily vitamins that my body needs and me stressing about is not helping 😞

    id say financial issues play a big part but not to the point where it’s my first priority I’m barely stable on getting resources so it’s nothing to worry about as much. Stress I mostly get it from school & work if I’m being honest.

  9. On 11/11/2019 at 2:26 PM, LaserCap said:
    • I barley turned 20yrs old last month and I’ve always had naturally fine straight hair but it’s not until the beginning of 2019 my hair started its course to shed a lot I thought cause it was due to the stress I was handling at the time by being a full time college student and a janitor working nightshifts everyday.. also key factor is that I’m really skinny like unhealthy skinny and I have a very bad diet basically to the point if I don’t change my weight I can progress into more serious health issues. So back to my hair..my dad has hair and it’s thin too I’d place him at Norwood 3 and he’s about 50yrs old my paternal grandpa has thin hair too but he keeps it short like a buzz cut so it looks fine just receding on the hair & temples. My maternal grandpa had so much hair he died of cancer couples years back with little to no hair loss at all. And I recently went to a dermatologist in August to identify my hair loss and he didn’t do any special examination or scalp biopsy he just told me to take off my hat(which i was wearing cause of being embarrassed) only words he said was it’s male pattern baldness and he prescribed me biotin supplements & minoxidil 5%. Another key factor is my hair care is so bad like i have a bad case of dandruff and oily/greasy scalp my hair gets so itchy if I don’t take a shower in 1-2 days so I don’t know if I should get a 2nd opinion on my hair but I can’t wait no longer!! my Hairline started to Finally show receding this month & now my temples are thinning im at like NORWOOD 1.5 i started wearing a hat all the time now I DONT KNOW if that’s making it worse either!!!! I want to treat this fast and possibly reverse & regain my hair if I can. Or atleast is prevent & stop the hair shedding now & make my current hair stronger and thicker!!! Please guys I need your opinions I’m too young to be experiencing this ... 😞



    One step at a time.  You seem to have medium course hair based on the photos...You do not have fine hair. 

    Shedding is normal. Most believe 100 hairs a day is the norm.  (The follicle gets tired of producing hair and it goes into a dormant period.  The hair will eventually return.

    Stress is not the cause of the loss, but it can prompt the hair to go away sooner. Stop stressing.  It is likely you can not do anything about the situation any way.  If I've learned something  so far is the fact that tomorrow always seems to be a better day and issues tend to resolve themselves without intervention.  

    If you are eating the wrong things, start eating healthier.  You have control over that.

    You have family history and you've shown the propensity to lose.  You will continue losing hair unless you start doing something about it.  Get on medical therapy.  Propecia, Rogaine, Laser and PRP are the modalities we typically discuss when dealing with this issue.  The mechanism of action of each is totally different and are thus, synergistic. 

    Biotin will not help you with retention nor enhancement of the native hair.  It will help make the hair look as healthy as it can be.  

    Take showers daily. Hygiene is important not only for you but for those all around you.

    Dandruff is typically caused by alcohol in the shampoo.  This tends to dry up the scalp and create flakes.  Change shampoos.  Baby shampoo has not alcohol and should resolve the issue.

    Hats do not cause hair loss.

    Visit with a doctor and discuss medical therapy. Give it a year to see the full effect and make a decision of what to do next based on the outcome.

    I believe I’m shedding more than the average 50-100 hairs like prolly over 30-40 more hairs extra I’ve lost like so much density and like my hairline receded like 3cm back there is still some original hairs from where was it was originally at and my temples are the same but I see some receding going on now. I didn’t stress would contribute to accelerating hair loss 😞

    yeah I’m trying my best to have a better diet and be more healthy in general. Can malnutrition real play a big role in my hair loss too? 

    But before trying any treatments what kind of hair loss may It seem im handling with hear? My dermatologist gave me a 5second look and stated it’s just regular MPB. From what it looks like my dad has some sort of diffuse alopecia I just want to identify my situation and cause so I can combat with the best options before I try minoxidil or anything else(also scared of propecia Side effects so no thank you)  I know the longer I wait to start treatment the worse it gets for me so that’s why I want anyone to give the best estimate on what type of hair loss I’m dealing with here to handle it.

    can it be possible I have a biotin deficiency? Can that be a factor on losing hair or does it no work like that?

    it was just an experiment for my hair I know hygiene is upmost the important to have my hair healthy as possible!

    I thought sulfate was another chemical than can cause dandruff? Would head and shoulders be an alright alternative instead of baby shampoo?

    im suppose to get a physical check in the beginning of December so I’d be sure to trying to find the root of my hair loss(no pun intended).

    but I think waiting a full year would make me go nuts if I’m noticing some early signs /: 

  10. On 11/17/2019 at 10:52 AM, Melvin-Moderator said:

    If it's not from malnutrition it's probably Diffused Patterned Alopecia 

    Should I start treatment right away? Or should I wait until my doctors opinion on it? Once i get my hair examined. Cause I feel like i have still have time to see good results if I’m catching it this early.

  11. On 11/13/2019 at 10:06 PM, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Well 2,000 calories isn't that low, but yes vitamin deficiencies can cause hair loss. Biotin, Vitamin D and other deficiencies can cause thinning. Homeless people for the most part don't starve, they have people feed them. Why don't you eat enough? Is there a particular reason why?

    Let’s say my vitamins/minerals are good what else can it be? Some type of diffuse thinning? If it is diffusion hair loss any suggestions on what or how to treat this? Cause I’m almost certain now by looking at others experiences & situation it might be DUPA ); my uncle who has Down syndrome has very thin diffuse hair loss on the scalp and crown but doesn’t look bad in certain angles.

    and I explained my diet on my other reply above^^

  12. On 11/13/2019 at 3:59 PM, 147break said:

    Just plain old MPB. However I also took accutane when I was younger and that thinned my hair out considerably which didn't recover very well, and I think it sped up the MPB. I say this because I have an identical twin who did not take accutane and my hair loss is more advanced than his.

    I took finasteride for 18 months and that thickened up my hair by a crazy amount. See the pics below




    Unfortunately I decided to shave my head and stop taking finasteride for 10 months and I'm closer to the first image rather than the second image now :( I'm back on finasteride for a few months and I'm hoping it comes back

    Why did you have to shave your head if I can ask? Cause I heard that can also accelerate hair loss.  And why is it that you stopped treatment?  And I’m pretty sure if you were to get on the BIG 3 from what I heard it’ll make some great gains on your situation dude!

  13. On 11/12/2019 at 10:08 PM, Raphael84 said:


    I want to start by saying that things are really not that bad. You have a lot more hair than I had when I was 20. The same can be said for many other guys. This may not sound particularly helpful to you, but the reason that I say this is that you are not alone in going through this. 

    It sounds as though you have a few things going on, and the anxiety/stress is of course not helping you. 

    Whilst your dermatologist visit doesn't sound as though it was too helpful, the biotin and minoxidil that was prescribed, did you go ahead and begin using them? This is important moving forward. For any individual that has experienced hair loss, you are genetically pre-disposed to lose further hair as you well know. Minoxidil could help to stabilise your hair.

    Do you have product in your hair in the photos, or was it recently washed? Your hair appears somewhat greasy in the photos provided. I believe that if you were to wash your hair and send photos, it may get different feedback. Your crown seems to show some thinning, but this isn't helped by a greasy appearance.

    You say that you hair scalp gets very itchy if you dont shower for one or two days. That is the case for many individuals and I would suggest that it is essential to shower daily. This would potentially solve this issue that you are experiencing.

    You are a young guy who struggles to gain weight. This is common. You say that you have a very bad diet. Could you please explain this. A healthy balanced diet is essential. If you can control what you eat, you can control many other aspects of your life. Your diet will dictate your mood, your sleep behaviours, your outlook, your energy. With the effect that these factors offer when combined, can change you complete view on yourself and life. They are essential. Do you move? Exercise? Yoga? Your body needs to move.

    Your family hair loss history seems in your favour.

    All in all, you are not in a bad position at all. Make a few changes in your life, that you do have control over. Take the best care of your hair that you can. Try Biotin and minoxidil. 

    The worst advice that you can give somebody who is feeling down, is to be positive. If only it were that easy. But make the changes that allow you to change that mentality.

    I have been there. Im speaking from experience. 

    And I thank you for being here & getting feedback from you guys that’s why I’m still here asking what can I possible do to treat my case? 

    Yeah my anxiety has been through the roof lately and my stress has pretty much been the same from the beginning of the year my arms, body, and face twitches quite a few times now like if my stress hasn’t made any progress on calming down.

    yeah I was thinking of getting a second opinion since my dermatologist was just doing his hourly job. I’m suppose to get my physical check and I’d be sure to bring up my hair loss & if had any correlation with any body complications I’m having. I’m honestly so scared of trying minoxidil at the moment since I’ve heard it can make your hair loss worse besides the initial shedding phase. Biotin can keep the hair i have as healthy as possible but before trying all these treatments I want like an official examination of my hair loss until i actually start a regimen for it. Glad there’s experienced people like you to give some guidance an advice before doing anything at all. 

    No i did not have a product on my hair that’s how it gets if I don’t shower for 1 day or 2. It gets really greasy, flaky and the thinning is way more noticeable in this state. I’m saying why i don’t shower for 1/2 days just cause I heard if I over wash my hair while having dandruff it can be bad for haircare. I’ll show you a photo how my hair looks when dry BUT the appearance is honestly too good to be true due to it being like my last layer of hair density if wind were to blow my hair and mess with it... it would look like the second picture 😞

    I say my diet is not the best but i try to keep it a basic & fulfilling but it’s obviously not sufficient enough in my case i need to be eating 2x times the amount of everyone else. For example I would eat like cereal in the morning before school prolly a couple snacks like granola bar or apple. I do exercise a good amount since I’m a skater around. Around lunch time I would the same hint like a sub sandwich also I get dehydrated super fast so I try to always drink water, juice, lemonade etc whenever I’m starting my day also when I’m eating. And used to get hot flashes a lot back then but now I think it’s a bit better I’ll only get 1 or 2 rarely. So far I eat okay I think but it can be way better to be honest i sometimes starve when I’m at work since I’m one of few workers at my job.

    Yeah i know to some degree everyone experiences hair loss at some point but I do also know that there is ways or I hope there’s is options to maintain & prevent any shedding from now on that’s why I want to get to the bottom of this problem to see if you guys can point out im going through the early stages or something... 

    If I had started the products the dermatologist gave me i know it would of made some sort of change but i don’t know if that change will be Good if honestly don’t know what’s going on with my hair first I hope you can understand where I’m coming from...

    but I really appreciate you’re feedback dude! 

    Both pictures hair is fully dry just the one above shows when my hair looks when blown by wind ..



  14. On 11/12/2019 at 10:53 AM, Melvin-Moderator said:

    What are you eating? Are you eating a well balanced diet? How many calories per day? Protein shakes are supplements, they’re not meant to replace food.

    I know I’m not eating enough I’d say my calories intake are around 1500-2000 a day.Even though I’m taking protein shakes It barley makes any difference but it’s still something.I never knew malnutrition can cause some hair loss I see homeless guys with way better hair than me & yet they’re hungry like me.Besides being prone to hair loss I just want to identify the type of mine to at least try to maintain what I have left /:

  15. On 11/11/2019 at 5:55 PM, 147break said:

    I went to my doctor a few years back and said I was losing my hair and they ordered some blood tests for me. I believe they tested my thyroid along with some vitamin levels. Turned out I had anemia caused by a folate deficiency lol, but fixing that did not help my hair loss

    Did you ever find the cause of your hair loss? And are you taking any regimen for it?

  16. I barley turned 20yrs old last month and I’ve always had naturally fine straight hair but it’s not until the beginning of 2019 my hair started its course to shed a lot I thought cause it was due to the stress I was handling at the time by being a full time college student and a janitor working nightshifts everyday.. also key factor is that I’m really skinny like unhealthy skinny and I have a very bad diet basically to the point if I don’t change my weight I can progress into more serious health issues. So back to my hair..my dad has hair and it’s thin too I’d place him at Norwood 3 and he’s about 50yrs old my paternal grandpa has thin hair too but he keeps it short like a buzz cut so it looks fine just receding on the hair & temples. My maternal grandpa had so much hair he died of cancer couples years back with little to no hair loss at all. And I recently went to a dermatologist in August to identify my hair loss and he didn’t do any special examination or scalp biopsy he just told me to take off my hat(which i was wearing cause of being embarrassed) only words he said was it’s male pattern baldness and he prescribed me biotin supplements & minoxidil 5%. Another key factor is my hair care is so bad like i have a bad case of dandruff and oily/greasy scalp my hair gets so itchy if I don’t take a shower in 1-2 days so I don’t know if I should get a 2nd opinion on my hair but I can’t wait no longer!! my Hairline started to Finally show receding this month & now my temples are thinning im at like NORWOOD 1.5 i started wearing a hat all the time now I DONT KNOW if that’s making it worse either!!!! I want to treat this fast and possibly reverse & regain my hair if I can. Or atleast is prevent & stop the hair shedding now & make my current hair stronger and thicker!!! Please guys I need your opinions I’m too young to be experiencing this ... ):





  17. 23 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    It’s difficult to say, the pictures don’t appear to be any significant thinning. It’s possible you’ve lost hair from malnutrition. How’s your diet now?

    My diet is still the same to be honest but I started taking protein shakes every morning from September. But I’ve lost atleast 30-40% hair density should I see another dermatologist to get a second opinion about the health of my hair? Could it be some type of vitamin or mineral deficiency that my hair is not getting? And how can I test for that?

  18. hey guys this is my first post so a little background of me....


    I barley turned 20yrs 2months ago  and I’ve always had naturally fine straight hair but it’s not until the beginning of 2019 my hair started its course to shed a lot I thought cause it was due to the stress I was handling at the time by being a full time college student and a janitor working nightshifts everyday.. also key factor is that I’m really skinny like borderline anorexic and I have a very bad diet basically to the point if I don’t change my weight I can progress into more serious health issues. So back to my hair..my dad has hair and it’s thin too I’d place him at Norwood 3 and he’s about 50yrs old my paternal grandpa has thin hair too but he keeps it short like a buzz cut so it looks fine just receding on the hair & temples. My maternal grandpa had so much hair he died of cancer couples years back with little to no hair loss at all. And I recently went to a dermatologist in August to identify my hair loss and he didn’t do any special examination or scalp biopsy he just told me to take off my hat(which i was wearing cause of being embarrassed) only words he said was it’s male pattern baldness and he prescribed me biotin supplements & minoxidil 5%. Another key factor is my hair care is so bad like i have a bad case of dandruff and oily/greasy scalp my hair gets so itchy if I don’t take a shower in 1-2 days so I don’t know if I should get a 2nd opinion on my hair but I can’t wait no longer!! my Hairline started to Finally show receding this month & now my temples are thinning im at like NORWOOD 1.5 i started wearing a hat all the time now I DONT KNOW if that’s making it worse either!!!! I want to treat this fast and possibly reverse & regain my hair if I can. Or atleast is prevent & stop the hair shedding now & make my current hair stronger and thicker!!! Please guys I need your opinions I’m too young to be experiencing this ... 😞





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