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Manchester Man

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Posts posted by Manchester Man

  1. Hi All,

    I've found these forums really helpful whilst carrying out research for my FUE procedure, I've decided to proceed with the Farjo clinic Manchester with Dc Rachel Kay and I'm booked in next week. I intend to use this forum as progress report partially for my own benefit but for everyone else who's is considering a FUE procedure.

    It wasn't a particular easy decision when choosing a clinic as there's so much choice and not a huge amount of reviews online, I visited Farjo, Crown Clinic and The Private Clinic. I found Farjo to be very welcoming and friendly, Rachel and Cheryl answered all my questions, my second consultation was particularly helpful as I was much more informed about the procedure and the team we're on hand to field my long list of questions once again.

    Key stats - Late 30's, been thinning on top since my early 20's and things have really slowed down in the last few years, I didn't really seriously consider an op until recently when a work colleague proceeded to take the plunge and his results have been amazing. Agreed grafts 1800 and I'm really excited to get going. I don't take any medication and I'm mindful of taking finasteride whilst we're in baby making mode! I'm open to start taking these in the future and I'm considering starting Rogain.

    If anyone has any specific advice before the procedure that would be great? I've been asked to wear a loose buttoned shirt, no rich or spicy foods the night before, wash my hair before the op and buy a v shaped pillow for the first few nights sleep.   

    If anyone has any products or hints and tips they can recommend to help with the after care I'm all ears?

    I'll post my before and after photos next week and let everyone know how I get on, really excited about the procedure!


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