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Posts posted by Mrsimpsons

  1. 1 minute ago, Abi28 said:

    Don't panic, it's normal to see  (redness, swelling, numbness, bruising etc) eventually it will fade away with time you just have to be patient. I have to say you are either brave or crazy for doing this, I am curious to see how this turns out, keep us updated and best of luck!

    Haha, crazy indeed!

    always has a quest for a beard, tried minox and some other stuff but didn’t really work for me + dried me out like crazy !

    saw a lot of good stuff about it so I just went with it..

    thanks for calming me down a bit. 


  2. Hello guys. 

    I’m a 25 y/o male. Always wanted a fuller beard since I love the look of it, being able to look very handsome coming straight from the barber etc. 


    So, I packed my bags and went to Istanbul for 4 days and had a transplant done. About 4200 grafts, mostly 2 and 3 hairs per graft. 

    I’ve read a lot before going, how easy the healing process is etc. saw people on YouTube who looked super natural after 10 days..

    I wanted to keep it to myself that I’ve had a transplant. To me it’s a pretty weird thing to do and I don’t like being judged by it. Also the amount of bs I would have to go through at work.. I wouldn’t be able to keep working there because everyone is “joking” around. My new nick name would probably be Beard transplant... lol :(

    so I’ve isolated my self and took time of work, just recovering. Now it’s been 10 days and I was allowed to shave. So I did. 

    Now I’m fearing for my life. Did I make a huge mistake? Will this be how i look now? Feels like I ruined my self.. I hope it’s just bruises and redskin.. still feels kind of swollen when I touch the line.. feels swollen when I smile as well..


    can anyone tell me if it’s gonna look this way or can I calm down and just patiently wait.. must be back for work in maximum 10 days.. :(


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