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Posts posted by aryan07

  1. Thanks for the reply, Melvin. Should I start with vitamins / biotin or should I explore big 3 (fin, minox & Nizoral) . As I said in the post, my hairline didn't receeded much over the span of 5 years, if it's an matured hairline will this stay like this for years to come? 

    How long it takes on an average to go from Nw 1 to 3 or 5. 5 years, 10 years? 

  2. Hi, I am 27 year old male. Had a M shaped hairline from childhood. Somebody calls it mild balding and some body calls it mature hairline. Not sure where I fall. My family history is lighter towards balding genes, Dad has full set of hairs in 50s, paternal & maternal grand fathers had good set of hair in 60s. Only bald guy in our family is my paternal uncle, who started balding at late 30s early 40s.

    Adding photos of hy hair line here one at age 22, other one is at age 27. They are almost 4.5 years apart. 

    Should i jump on any medications? How long it takes for one to go bald? I am OK if it's very mild balding and the hairline would hang right there for 10 more years. 




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