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Posts posted by lostboy182

  1. Thank you… No issues so far. Apologies, I haven’t updated this thread in awhile. I have had blood tests regularly and there have been no issues.

    My son was born in October and he is a perfectly healthy boy with no problems. Just to point out, I came off all medication for two months prior to him being conceived.

    I have been off all medication now for two months as we are trying for our second child. But once we have good news, I will be back on these meds. 

  2. Sorry for the delay in replying guys. I stopped all medication in September 2022, because me and my partner were trying for our first child. I wanted to wait minimum 2 months until all medication was out of my system. I just wanted to be safe and "over cautious". Anyway, all good news on the child front, and the latest 20 week scan is all fine and healthy 😁.

    Of course my hair went backwards during 5 months off meds 😅. But a small price to pay - I have been back on all meds for the last 2 months now - 5mg oral minox a day, with Dutasteride and Spiro. I keep all meds in my office so no chance of any transferance at home.

    I will take some scalp pics this weekend and upload.

  3. 2 hours ago, lostboy182 said:

    So I’m pretty sure the oral minoxidil is the cause of this… But I’m seeing longer eyelashes… Some extra hair on my forehead as well. 







    30 minutes ago, MAIZE1694 said:

    10mg a day?

    Not sure if thats safe for the ol' ticker.

    Any side effects?

    The forehead hair I will likely get lasered off, but only if it becomes too noticeable. For now no one has mentioned it, not even family, and they would not hesitate to point something like this out. 

  4. 1 hour ago, mcr7777 said:

    Do you have any itching/burning sensations in the area of hair loss?  This is typical of LPP - but not always present.  You might want to see a hair doctor specialising in unusual hair disorders. If you're going privately I can recommend a few in the UK in London and Manchester if you want to message me.

    Thank you. I appreciate your help. 

    I am hoping a doctor who specialises in this subject, especially in London can advise me if this is scarring or non scarring alopecia. I have another appointment with my GP very soon






  5. 2 hours ago, NARMAK said:

    I'd been looking to see about ordering Oral Minoxodil down the line, but the place i get my Dutasteride from didn't sell it. I'll give that place a look. 

    100% hair you ob chucking the kitchen sink but keep an eye on your BP etc. for sides from the Oral Minoxodil as you're also taking topical too. 

    I personally am not using a Minoxodil treatment yet because i want to keep it in my back pocket for if thinga progress but i do want to start Microneedling more. What's the brand and price for the Derma Pen you're using? 

    I was thinking to do 1x a week at 1.5mm maybe. 

    So I’m using a basic Dermapen from Amazon. 1.5mm on Mondays and Fridays 




  6. Thanks mate - its been hard. my follicles are so prone to miniaturisation. Since 16. Such a battle. I had no choice but to try the kitchen sink approach. Im going to buzz my head down over the weekend and will take some more pictures.

    I get my oral minox from alldaychemist - no customs charges when I last ordered just before Christmas.

    I started with 1.25mg, then 2.5mg, and then 5mg. Increasing slowly over say 2/3 months - no side effects at the moment



  7. 7 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

    The pattern in the pictures does look like Retrograde Alopecia but from what you're saying, this development seems to have occurred more recently. 

    Is it only over the ears? 

    I think I’ve noticed it over the last 2 years but it could have been slowly developing over a longer period of time… It’s just that all my attention has been on the hair loss on top of my head in the meantime. Here are a couple of shots from the other side.






  8. 6 minutes ago, Egy said:

    Yes, with the biopsy you would be able to understand if your scalp is healthy, one thing I can recommend is to have more samples taken, in different parts of the scalp, because if you only have one performed, it could happen that just in that point, your scalp is healthy, while a few centimeters away you may be suffering from Lichen Planopilaris and you would never know.

    Thanks - I will pursue this. Did you see a derm or a hair transplant doctor who was able to help regarding this? My previous derm here in London was unable to help at all.

  9. Just now, Egy said:

    Thinning of the eyebrows is also a symptom of the LPP, you said you had two transplants, how is the situation now?

    Thank you Egy, the hair transplants have worked okayish (not fantastic) - although they were a long time ago - the eyebrows are still thin. What is the test of LPP? Would I need to see a different derm and insist on a biopsy of the scalp and / or eyebrows?

  10. Hi guys,

    So MPB since I was 17 (currently 44) - Finasteride and Minox twice a day for around 20 years. Until December 2020, where I saw a realised a big problem. Massive diffuse thinning. I have had FUE on my hairline about 14 years ago, but none on my crown or vertex.

    Since December 2020 I Switched to Oral Minox 5mg per day. Dutasteride 5 days a week. Spironolactone 100mg 5 days a week. Nizoral 3 x per week. Microneedling using a dermapen twice a week. Basically threw the kitchen sink at this.

    The 2 pictures in the next post are from December 2020, and then this month. Both taken in my same office chair, under the same office lights.

  11. Hi guys,

    Hoping someone can please help. And before anyone says "see a derm" - I have. Unfortunately UK derms are pretty clueless when it comes to hairloss, as hardly any have even heard of Dutasteride. My blood tests/thyroid tests also showed up normal. I have suffered from MPB for the last 15 years, and have had good results with a combination of minoxidil, dutasteride, and 2 FUE procedures.

    However, in the last 2 years, I have had severe thinning of both my eyebrows, and around the side/back of my head.

    Has anyone seen anything like this before? Could it be retrograde alopecia? It almost looks like FUE puncture holes right at the front side of my head, but I can assure you the FUE clinic did not go that far.  (it is slightly red in the first pic, as that was taken after some microneedling)


    Many thanks




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