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Posts posted by SIMRANMUNDI121

  1. On 8/26/2019 at 2:31 PM, JerryJerry said:

    Dear all,

    i desperately need some help, hopefully a respected surgeon can help me in this matter, or someone who experienced what i do now. . My first hair transplant i had 2,5 years ago, 2200 grafts on the frontal area: that one failed because my transplants where falling out after 7 , 8 months ago untill the point my hair situation was almost worse then before the hair restoration. I blamed it on the surgeon at that time. He was ignorant of possible causes. I figured it was poorly done / bad luck and had another surgery like 9 months ago, some 1000 grafts to restore the frontal area. With another surgeon. Much to my distress i ve noticed my transplanted hair is thinning again! The rest of my head is ok, maybe a bit of shedding because its summer but nothing disturbing. After some decent growth for about 7 months its rapidly falling out again. My current surgeon is fague about the causes, sais its probably stress related and saying i should get propecia. Now he is ignoring me after i reached out to him again that my situationnis worsening. Really frustrating!

    the thing is, i am wondering if its me. Could it be a strong form of Aga in the recipient area? Could it be hormonal? I do suffer from chronic fatigue due to a burnout. I got this for 2 years now unfortunately. Can that be the cause? I am eating healthy , excercise otherwise.

    to sum up: transplants are falling out again for the second time after 7 or 8 months of growth. Please help.

    Clearly understood what you are going through. I would like to tell you that no on can help you other than a a highly qualified and experienced hair transplant specialist. I know some of the best hair transplant centers and they have amazing results. Why wouldn't it be they use only high tech medical science equipment. I would also advice you to consult a good doctor if you need positive result. if you need some other advice feel free to ask.

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