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Posts posted by Diamonddogs

  1. Hi Guys, The whole hairloss thing has affected me quite badly, I used to be very chatty and outgoing, but Ive gotten alot quieter and reserved , when I meet someone I feel they are judging me because I have a receeding hairline I have been using Propecia and Minoxidil from February, and it hasnt got worse and a little bit of regrowth has happened.


    I have been doing some research for about a year but only joined this Forum today, I am considering Hssson and Wong and have sent them pics, DR Hasson has suggested 2000-2500 grafts, I am also talking to a patient of H&W who is from my country and has had one done within the last 4 months. I can send pics of my hairline, but I really do need advice and help from you guys.

  2. Hi Guys this is my first post, I am 26 and I am loosing my hair at the temples, I have good hair in the middle and crown and at the front. I am considering 2000 grafts with Hasson and Wong, But I would like to try a concealer for the time being so I can gain the confidence and research related to a Hair Transpant in other words Dither. WHAT would be the best option for me just to give my frontal hair line a bit of a lift?? I am considering Nanogen fibre with the Spray, I just wanted some feedback.


    The whole hairloss thing has affected me quite badly, I used to be very chatty and outgoing, but Ive gotten alot quieter and reserved , when I met someone I feel they are judging me because I have a receeding hairline icon_frown.gif I have been using Propecia and Minoxidil from February, and it hasnt got worse and a little bit of regrowth has happened.

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