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Posts posted by Dan79

  1. On 11/12/2017 at 4:00 AM, winston78 said:

    By working on patients with HIV they will be exposing all their future patients to HIV by using the same medical instruments on them as they did on you.


    These instruments are not cheap and cannot be easily replaced.


    On top of that they have staff who would be working with your bloodied tissue for 8 hours straight.


    Who, in their proper mind, would do this kind of surgery on a patient with HIV.

    Have you not heard of sterilization?

  2. On 10/21/2016 at 9:13 PM, milo12 said:


    Well let us just hope you are right. You could be correct about the Asmed clinic though I have never been there, granted. Yet given that your transplant is barely a month I would not necessarily give them a gold star either. Personally I would steer clear of exotic clinics in far off countries until more info is given. However I do respect your choice.

    Turkey is not an exotic country or far off, it's just down the road for us Europeans.

  3. On 10/19/2016 at 5:10 PM, Bill - Seemiller said:



    Welcome to our community and I'm sorry that you feel you were turned down for surgery for reasons you disagree with. I understand that you're upset, but how do you know that you were turned down because you have HIV? Do you have proof that you were actually turned down for surgery due to possessing HIV? If so, I ask that you provide this proof because making such a bold statement may hurt a well established hair restoration clinic.


    I'm not saying I agree with it, but if that's really the reason you were turned down for surgery and it's legal for them to do so, I suppose they were within their rights, despite how upset you are. But before we speculate I ask that you provide proof. I will also be contacting the clinic to garner their side of the story.


    Best wishes,



    You can get their side of the 'story' all you like however, a little research on your part will prove that it is virtually impossible to find a clinic in Turkey that will perform transplant surgery on anyone with HIV whether or not they are undetectable

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