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Posts posted by bocaman

  1. This is my second hair transplant, the Doctor says the holes are from my first transplant, so it is not my imagination. I have had some shock hair loss and he says I am just now noticing the "holes". I do not really beleive this as I have examined my scalp intensly both before and after transplant.

    there may have been a few form the first but I can see the holes where the new transplants are. The fact that my Doctor is saying that they come from my old transplant leads me to believe that they wont heal. Maybe after my hair grows in they wont be as noticable. However would like to have a game plan. Dont want to have to be afraid to leave the house for six months without a hat and then have to have some type of procedure (if there is any) to fix it and then not be able to leave house again for who knows how long. Dont want to harm new transplants but sitting around doing nothing hoping it might not be as noticable in future is difficult. By the way the pocdure was done with a blade, but when healing had verticle white scabs like rice when these broke off maybe they caused the indentations?

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