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Posts posted by Matt_649

  1. Hello everyone, My name is Matt and i am new to this forum. 

    I've been losing hair for 4 years and i decided to go something about it, so i decided to go to turkey in order to do the surgery, however I literally have no idea about this industry. I made some research online but i was hoping to get some valuable feedback from the people that are quite involved in Hair Transplant. So, i got few questions and i hope that you would help me out understand those points.

    I am interested in FUE technology for the surgery 

    1) What's the most important step of the surgery (incisions, extraction, or implementation) ? 

    Because as i contact several clinic each one of them provide a different package. Some of them mentioned that the doctor would do the incision and the transplant while others mentioned other          packages. So i want to know which is important and should be preformed by the doctor ?

    2) Which one is more efficient Micro motor FUE or Manual FUE ? And which one does the minimum amount of recognisable scars 

    3) I contacted several doctors in turkey and would really appreciate it if you can provide me with some review or feedback on the ones that you know or had a previous experience with.

    A) Dr Aslan Musbeh which suggested 2800-3300 grafts.

    B) Dr Erkan Demisoy which suggested 3500-4000 grafts.

    C) Dr Tayfun Oguzoglu which sounded really impressive and knowledgeable which suggested 3600 grafts.

    D) Dr Resul Yaman which also sounded impressive with the tool that he invented which suggested 3700 grafts.

    E) Dr Ali Karadeniz which suggested 5000 grafts however he would only be doing the incision only and supervising the rest. 


    4) What should i consider when picking one of the well reputed doctors that are mentioned above ?


    Lastly, Appreciate you reading this thread and providing the help ^_^

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