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Rogaine user

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Posts posted by Rogaine user

  1. Why isn't anyone updating their progress? Several people said they were going to a urologist or trying different medications but no one is keeping us posted? This is my 3rd posting on this topic. I've now been on Rogaine for a year. The loss of erection has continued. The shrinking of my penis has continued. I wish I would have stopped using Rogaine when I first posted by in January but it was just working too well on my hair for me to stop. But I realize I have to get off it. It isn't worth losing erections and inches of my penis for. I would like to know if anyone knows of anything to regrow hair without side effects like these? Please people, post back with any info at all on your progress. Whether it be that the symptoms have continued, gotten worst or gotten better by getting off or finding a new alternative to regrow hair.

  2. I've been on Rogaine for 3 months and have noticed the same symptoms (weak errections, loss of sex drive). I have also noticed that my penis has gotten smaller over the past 3 months (by about an inch). I never connected the problem to Rogaine because I thought the stuff never entered my bloodstream (it isnt ingested) but it doesn't matter. Somehow this stuff causes those side effects. I am looking to get off Rogaine. It is amazing for hairloss, so I don't want to discontinue unless I have something to switch to, so if anyone knows of anything else that regrows hair (with no sexual side effects), please post it here.

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