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Posts posted by Worriedgf

  1. Hi guys.. I am posting pictures of two weeks post op.  I would like to know what everyone thinks.  He is feeling extremely concerned because he says while the left side looks natural, the right side looks like perfectly straight stitching across his head.  I am trying to assure him it’ll turn out looking great, but is this really what good work looks like??  I haven’t been able to find any pictures on the Internet that look like this.  






  2. 4 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    I’m going to disagree with you Gas,

    Dr. Diep used the zig-zag pattern of micro-irregularities by using placing 1 hair fu’s in a zig zag pattern. This is his calling card for hairlines he mentions this in his videos a lot. Understandable you wouldn’t know since you don’t follow his work, some may not like it. I for one think the zig zags make the hairline appear natural when it's grown out. 

    Also, I was just as bald as this guy with a similar hairline. It can be restored with multiple sessions, but no one should think they can restore the head completely in one session with a Norwood 6 level of balding.


    Thank you for 


    13 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    You’re worrying is not helping your bf to be honest. You chose a clinic with one of the biggest portfolios on the web. 

    It’s totally normal to have buyers remorse. But you should be encouraging your bf and not causing him further distress. I’ve included how my hair looked before and right after, it looks pretty much like your boyfriend’s. I’m also including my most recent YouTube video. Dr. Diep changed my life your bf chose a good doc now just try to get him to relax. 




    Thank you Melvin!  I showed him your pictures because they do look very similar and he feels sooooo much better after seeing your video.  He was having buyers remorse, but didn't want to reach out at all because he was afraid of anything negative that people might say.  Since its such a sensitive subject for him I decided to reach out so I can pass along any encouraging words/info/advice that people might have.  I am definitely not going to pass along anything that might worry him more!

    What you shared was very encouraging for him, so thank you again!  If you don't mind me asking.. you mentioned having multiple procedures and I was wondering what exactly you had done to achieve your current results?  My bf was initially told by Dr Diep that he thought he could do everything in two procedures.  After this first session Diep told him he could probably get another 2000-2200 grafts during the second procedure.  Since your hair was very similar to his, I'm just wondering what you think about that?   

  3. 1 hour ago, Baldrick101 said:

    I have to say that I don't understand this doctors approach. I don't think he needs to worry about density and naturalness at the front. It is quite packed but what about the rest!! He's going to end up with a huge tuft of hair covering the frontal zone and nothing behind it to the midsection and crown. He looks like a NW 6 to me with a rather weak donor. Did the doctor develop a plan with him? He'll need 5000-5500 grafts to get total coverage to put his mind at ease and that is gonna cost another $20k at least. 

    Baldrick101, those are my concerns as well.  I don’t understand why they did so much in front when there’s clearly such a large area that needs to be done as well.  I don’t understand how 2000-2200 can possibly work, but I was hoping and praying the Dr must know what he’s doing since apparently he’s known to be good at this........the only thing I can think of is the Dr took into consideration that his hair is wavy so maybe that covers better??  Maybe he can never achieve full coverage so the front is more important?

    Also, I am wondering what determines the strength/weakness of the donor area?  He was shaving his whole head completely bald prior to this procedure, and the donor area hardly had any time to grow back out.  What makes a donor area weak?  When he wasn’t shaving his head and was instead wearing a hat at all times the sides were thick and wavy...


  4. Thank you for the response.  He was told he’s a NW5a-b and it was 2400 grafts.  We don’t know the breakdown of how many hairs per graft.  I’ve attached more photos. That is good to here it looks densely packed.  We are just worried it seems to be packed in noticeable rows.. We knew beforehand he’ll have to have another procedure for the top and crown.. does it seems like a second FUE procedure will work for him though.  It seems like alot of area still needs to be covered..? 







  5. Hello,

    My boyfriend has been incredibly depressed for ten years about his hair loss and he just finally managed to get 20k together to have an FUE procedure done by John Diep out of SF.  The surgery was done last Saturday March 23, 2019.  We are highly concerned because we can see such obvious rows of straight lines running up from his head.. I wanted to post some pictures so people can let us know if this is normal and will somehow end up looking natural, or if he is going to have more of a “hair plug” look.  My boyfriend is upset because he chose Dr Diep because he talks of being a hairline artist, but the Dr did very little of the procedure himself.  He had young technicians do most of the work.  Do these pictures look normal?  Is this good work?  All the photos we’ve seen online of post op FUE show a much more scattered pattern and the research we’ve done has all concluded rows/grids end up looking very unnatural.  We would really appreciate any input you might have 😢




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