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Albums posted by JohnnyDeep

  1. 4100 FUE grafts with Dr Resul Yaman

    I had it done 8 days ago now and so far so good. There was some swelling which worked its way down my face, I had puffy eyes for a bit and they’re still a little yellow/purple but nothing hideous. The donor area has healed up nicely and once it’s evened out with a set of clippers in a few weeks should be undetectable. The top didn’t scab particularly, although there was a lot of crusting which has mostly worked it’s way out - taking some of the hair with it although thankfully not the bulb. I can see a light pink hue to the recipient area which may become more apparent as it sheds and I can tell the difference between the new hair and the hair that was there beforehand but otherwise I just look like I’ve had a buzzcut.
    I’ll post some photos shortly. I won’t make any grand promises about weekly check-ins; seen way too many dead threads with endless ‘any update?’ posts; but I’ll try to pop back periodically as it heals to update you all and answer any questions.
    Thanks for reading.

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