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The count Of Baldecristo

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Posts posted by The count Of Baldecristo

  1. Did anyone else save my uncensored pics?


    this is just sad and makes me furious, things are starting to get out of control. I remember something called written consent was needed from the patient for the doctor to speak about the details of a patients case online. Now this wasnt even mentioned we just see by "mistake" the patients full face and he is on the hunt for his pics.



    this is ridiculous, its a bad test for the moderators reflexes that should have picked up on it directly even before the dr removed them. I dont know if this was an honest mistake but it sends the wrong message that if you complain and you make us angry we might reveal your identity by mistake.



    these things and others i see when unhappy patients of recommended docs post don't sit too well with me, for gods shake AT LEAST there should be a strict warning to the doctor not to do this mistake ever again or his posting privileges would be restricted, its unbelievable what just happened despite of londonht mild reaction which propably has to do with his upcoming surgery. I will no longer be a part of this community because no matter how some sugarcoat it and what the patient gets for free i feel the essence of things is not addressed properly. bottom line my trust to the whole setup is diminished


    goodbye to all

  2. I dont think the alarm bells should be raised here. 2000 may be very appropriate in this case. 40 Grafts/Sq cm may give a perfectly acceptable density for him. In his case, he has a very thick hair shaft diameter and allot of 3-4 hairs per graft so in his case, planting 40 may be like planting 50-55 inguy who may have a thinner hair caliber and less 3-4s to add density.


    Its about the number of hairs and not the number of grafts.



    I think this was the best post in the thread ;).


    Grease in my opinion if you chose your doctor and you are sure of him the best thing is to trust him regarding graft estimates. He is the only one that has seen your donor and your hair from up close. If you have very thick hair caliber you are blessed because its true that graft survival goes down as you plant more. Your 40-45 grafts psc might look more dense than someone who has 70 psc and your chances of better graft survival is far better than others who have to plant more cause they have thinner hair

  3. Count,


    I recommend typing the physician's name into our forum search function. This will help you elicit the community's general opinion without waiting for responses to trickle in.


    Additionally, if you're going to be in Belgium regardless, I HIGHLY recommend you consider a consultation with Dr. Feriduni. His follicular unit extraction (FUE) work is truly state-of-the-art, and I think meeting with him would help you get a grasp of the hair transplant options available in Belgium.


    Thanx FHT for your response. I am leaning towards Bisanga because i havent heard any big complains about him through my research and i only want FUE. I also searched dr. Feriduni as you mentioned, i ve never heard of him before and i saw some of his results but they were mostly strip. I want a doc with along time online presense and many patient-posters never the less it doesnt hurt since i am gonna be there to have a consultation with him also, i will take full advantage of my trip.


    In the meantime if anyone knows something i dont about bad results or treating patients wrong from the two clinics i mentioned and wants to post me privately i will be more than great full as i am trying to be extra careful since i am not rich and i am doing my best to try to find a good FUE surgeon here in Europe.


    thank you all again

  4. Hey all i am looking for patients of Dr.Bisanga to help me out as i am considering him for an FUE transplant. I also saw Prohair clinic which is also in belgium and i saw on the tube some good results, if there are patients of Pro hair also i would like to speak with them.


    I am planning to go to Belgium for some unrelated business and i am planning to visit both these clinics. If there is any red flag you want to raise either post it here or if you dont feel comfortable please PM me.


    If you have a good experience with either clinic please share it to ease my mind :)

  5. The count my personal experience with jotronic the hw and consultant was very good and I felt he was very honest and real. I was in no way oversold the expectations or told anything misleading infact he is extremely real about things! I find it hard to believe anyone at hw told the emperor he would have a ht better than jotronics like emperor says!



    Bonker i am glad for you. the thing is that that when a happy patient post his result and an unhappy one comes in and post his bad experience or bad karma with the clinic in that thread then he is accused of hijacking the thread and he will be asked to stop it by the moderators which i think is correct.


    But there is a flip side to that coin and i don't see that happening the other way around. When you come in and post your positive experience or good karma with the clinic as leverage to the bad experience of TE who started this thread then you are hijacking also. TE wants to make a point and its his thread. If i want to hear your happy story i will find your thread, its as simple as that.


    Maybe unhappy patients do that to damage the clinic reputation and credibility but what the happy ones do is damaging the unhappy posters experience and credibility in favor of the clinic. Maybe TE if it wasn't for all this cheerleading postings and the clinics attitude "you went online so now piss off" would get a refund for a poor result, maybe other patients in the future would be able to claim something but i feel like you are stripping that away from them with all the cheerleading posts and in the end we get worst service from the clinics


    I think the moderators in the interest of keeping this site even more objective should apply that rule to everyone not just the unhappy patients but also the happy ones. You love your clinic thats fine but there is another human being, an other hairloss sufferer who also paid alot of money and still suffers cause his experience was much different to yours, its his thread. We are here for each other not for cheerleading clinics and consultants, they do a job they offer a service and they get paid very well for this, god bless them.


    by the way bonker i only used your post as an example, i am describing a phenomenon its not personally about you i am sure you understand.

  6. The Emperor) my advice to you would be stop bickering on this site about everything, because nothing good is going to come from it. Now I am going to take your story at face value and if everything you said on here is true, then you need to seek advice and opinions from friends and family. The bottom-line is if everything you stated is TRUE regarding your results, post follow-up, communication, professional conduct, the reveling of your identity, plus all the thousands of dollars you have in this situation, then I would get an attorney and have them commutate with the clinic directly. Because it’s clear by your post that you’re getting nowhere fast. That’s what I would do; I wouldn’t waste one my sec on this site bickering back and forth.



    sounds like a good advice but probably he signed the consent forms and he wont have any luck. I don't wanna be negative but sadly i think his only consolation will be that he shared his story.

  7. the only thing that i make out from all this is that maybe consultants shouldn't oversell the procedure before the final result comes out because this surgery is very unpredictable and there are many unsatisfied patients even from H&W. Expectations should not be raised and telling to patients you gonna look better than him or better than that one.


    Also i think the before and after pics should be the same color because i ve also noticed that the H&W after pics look lighter in color. there is no excuse for that and it seems they are misleading. I think TE is just stating the obvious not slander or offend, the best way to answer back is by having same color photos. you already make nice HD videos so it should be simple to do that and wont leave any suspicion in the air


    And if i dare to make a suggestion, we should be more supportive to the patients in here. Some rush in to take the clinics side and trying to put blame on the patients. Do clinics need protection from posters, i know you are all day here posting but i think they have consultants for this job. the only thing you achieve is making some of us who are less active to have to type to point out the obvious. In the end we forget something...most business say the customer is always right and if he is not happy there must be a reason. He is the one that paid 15000-25000 for his procedures not you! I always hear from physicians that there is only very few failures. If they are really so few then maybe a refund should be a norm for this "unlucky" few. I also don't think this result is what it should be for all these grafts!


    I am also glad that patients come forward and speak of their negative experiences . I prefer to be afraid of a bad outcome than actually having one because none talks about it and i go in ignorant. Also my money is very important to me and these procedures cost a lot i am not that thrilled that if things go wrong the best i can get is a discount for my next procedure to fix the first one. I can understnd TE's anger is not the best feeling to pay all these money and still be unhappy you feel robbed! I think refunds are only fair even if TE went online. If a refund is given only if you don't go online then its like buying someones silence


    thanx TE for your feedback and good luck. though is not what you wanted i think you will find a way to make it look good because all things said it doesnt look to me that bad to freak out about ;). Just accept a less than great reality and you ll be happy, there is no such thing as perfection in transplants no matter what you hear in the sale phase ;)

  8. I think if TE doesnt like the pics posted they should be removed! Its not fair to tell him that he should sort it out with Joe. If a patient has something bad to say about a procedure with a doctor then he must give his written consent for the details of his procedure to be shared by other party (the doctor).


    I never heard moderators saying to a coalition or an advertised doctor its between you and the patient sort it out by yourself usually first consent is needed and at that times you intervene for the doctor so why not now for the patient? I have a feeling that you are somehow acting like you are "bored of him" by wanting to lock the thread or telling him to sort it with Joe.


    He is unhappy, he has a bad result, he shared it with us, he is a long time poster, he has paid thousands of dollars on the procedure and he wont get a penny back, at least do him the favor and intervene with this coalitions rep (Joe) if the patient doesn't want the pics in question! Maybe his request sounds a bit far stretched but no need to freak him out completely he is been through enough and from what i see the best thing he will get is a... bad luck a pat on the back and go on your way.

  9. There was a guy that went to Feller and had FUE to just create the look of stubble since he wanted to keep his hair really tight. It turned our really nice. Ask spex for the details as I cant remember his name. This sounds like exactly what you want to do.


    thanx for the feedback guys i will speak with stephenl first as this was the guys results that i saw and thought about it. Feller has also done it? I thought he was advicing FUE only for patients with minimal balding does he have a case like this?


    I will pm spex and see what he thinks. Is stephenl here also?

  10. hi guys i ve been reading these forums for years so i pretty much know how things work but lets say i need a talk with the long timers here and reps if they want to chime in.


    After all these years with hairloss i am thinking of having a transplant. I am nw6 and i have some hair up but nothing significant and i have to plan as if they are not even there. I don't want to use propecia cause of sideffects and i dont use minox as it doesnt do much anymore than bloating my face like a balloon.


    I also dont want strip, because i want to cut my hair very short on the sides. I think you all by now realize that i am not a good candidate and most of you by now will say forget about it.


    But there is one thing that i hope that can keep me in the game. I look good with a buzz but i don't look good if i shave them completely so i am wondering if an FUE transplant can let me have my hair buzzed down very short so i can have a hairline again, light coverage throughout the scalp so i can avoid the shaving. You see is different when all the scalp is white when you shave and when there is this black shadow all around by clipping it down to 5 or 10 mm


    Right now it looks so bad that only when i shave them it looks uniform and nice. But i was thinking if i can have the transplanted hair throughout the scalp then i can have a nice buzz. I was also thinking i dont even need the density if i cut them so short because we all know that less is more when you are balding. you know the most post op pics that we see from transplants where patients have short buzz. Well i would be happy to keep it that short forever.


    I just want to know, do you think its a good idea? do docs advice on that? Has anyone here done that? What do you think are the drawbacks?Which doctor you think i should contact i am thinking umar or bisanga


    any thoughts


    thanx in advance

  11. Some of us WB280 are more sensitive about a guy who has a bad result and has to live with it, someone who in his agony didnt have support from his doc unless he flew over the US to go there, someone who spend 15000 dollars on a procedure than a doctor who might not make extra thousands of dollars through advertisement on the internet because of bad publicity.


    His doc already wished him good luck and goodbye cause he shared his story online. If this is a real patients community for the patients we are not gonna give up on him as well. Amazing some years ago when somebody posted his unhappiness online the doc would be begging the patient to come back to fix him for free, now they seem arrogant and vengeful to those who share their stories with us. Maybe we pamper and praise the docs too much and think they are invincible to online reviews.


    After all this agenda talks and smoke thrown around i believe justaguy 100%! I also believe Feller is a great surgeon and as good as they come but thats the problem...it seems thats this is as good as they come. There are failed procedures for reasons beyond their control and if you end up there you are basically lost. No refund just come back and go under the knife again. And if you complain online then a goodbye and good luck is thrown to your face by the doc along with the forms you signed beforehand releasing him from any responsibility. thanx for your money and bye bye



    no thanx i wont take i am not that desperate...thank you for sharing your story justaguy it was an invaluable lesson that some things dont get better throught the years they actually can get worst! take care all

  12. Most people fly around the world for a procedure to get the best doctor. these trips cost money and time for the patients. If an inperson consult is so necessary maybe it should be complimentary for patients who are in trouble and are so desperately trying to find their doctors by phone. From what i understand from Dr. Feller there are also some legal complications with speaking on the phone i didnt know that.


    But come on, we have online consultations, skype, facetime, mails to sent pics that we can use when we first look for feedback from doctors before an operation. We even have consultants with no medical degrees giving consultations and talk graft number estimates etc. I dont see any legal problems there!


    I for once appreciate this guy and how he spoke and every guy that might be in trouble from a procedure and wants to share it with us. Maybe we can focus on the good things that could come out of this and not attack him. Even better service for the prospective patients because clinics dont want bad reviews in forums. Isn't what these forums are about hairthere? Things to become even better for us the patients and prospective patients not about praising doctors and how amazing they are. Our money, time and personality is more amazing than any doctor and should be treated with respect!

  13. Until a few weeks ago I'd have agreed completely. Now Turns out he was spending 2 hrs a day in a steam room and hot tub and got colonized by bacteria. He got treated and is fine thank goodness.





    Can this happen from steam rooms. I love them, i had no idea that something that bad can happen there. You scared me a bit now Dr. Lindsey (i dont have a transplant) but i didnt know there were so many vacteria in there!

  14. I dont understand nothing, from what you write i think you are also a bit in the dark about all this. Its an autoimmune disorder, like its killing your grafts? MPB is considered an autoimmune disorder where our body attacks our hair thats why they miniaturize. but the hair on the back are supposed to be immune. Did he say its gonna kill the hair in your safe zone as well?


    this is very weird, are you on propecia or avodart?


    If i was you i would go to a dermatologist or something like that to get a second opinion. does anyone else know about this condition i ve never heard it before. I ve heard about thinning in the donor area and for that most doctors advice propecia but something like that i ve never heard it before!

  15. batel hello from me also


    Have you tried to cut the sides a bit more? And maybe also the top while you wait for things to thicken up?


    I dont know what to make of this, you didnt have many hair to begin with and you had 3200 grafts. I ve seen doctors putting this numbers only at the front third. you seem to cover a bigger area with these grafts.


    Do the grafts look natural at least?


    Maybe your doctor could tell us what he thinks of this. If its a case of poor growth or if it is because the grafts were not than many.

  16. Lorenzo why you dont chill out with tsakalos! he is a long time poster. I know he went to H&W because i ve seen his posts in bald truth when he was planning for his third transplant at H&W ! People were even asking him why not Armani and the guy was saying that its because Armani does only FUE now, and he wanted strip !


    I remember he was not too happy with his crown growth from Armani but Tsakalos was so discreet that he never mad a big deal out of it! Thats why i said he is a role model poster he didnt allow his case to turn into a which clinic is better debate.


    Tsakalos i am not sure what is going on, i thought its your case that you didnt want to talk about for your reasons and i respected it fully. I dont know if i created any problems for you naming the clinic in my story i thought it was common knowledge! My post was only because of respect and because it came hard on me when you said that a consultant disrespected you like this

  17. I agree with Danne. Noone cares for you as your friends and family maybe they can help you and make you more active in demanding your rights. Tell the whole story to people close to you and speak to a LAWYER. Dont accept the roll of the dice BS you had necrosis that was dangerous for your health not only for your grafts, you should focus on getting your money back at least. Why should you be the only looser in this?

  18. Tsakalos i know your posts for a long time now. I ve never seen another patient/poster who has been participating in forums for years more straight forward and to the point than you.


    You had transplants with Armani in the past and i remember never once did you cheer lead your result or started praising your doc everywhere you posted. You did your procedures, you took so many good photos, you shared it with the board in a good and educating manner and that was it. You are one of the rarest posters in my opinion always with a few words, all about the essence of things and never too much talk. You never said to anyone my doc is better than others or acted like your decision was betters than others


    Then you had a transplant with H&W and you never once before you went there said a bad thing about Armani or his result on the crown even though you were not too happy with if i remember correct. You just wanted to have your transplants and complete your journey. high class poster all the way i say it from my heart!


    And now all this... a poster like you with your integrity and the way you behaved through the years must have been mistreated badly and something really awful happened to you!!!thats what i understand from what i read in your posts. I know its your right not to want to say more and if you dont want to say anything thats ok its your choice. but its really sad and i hope the ones that mistreated you to do the right thing!!! noone should take our trust for granted or that he is a god or something.


    I hope all will be well for YOU first because its YOU that matters first and then comes all the rest. I personally dont wanna know what happened to you...i just wanna know that all will be well for you and that whoever did the wrong thing will fix it and apologize publicly for calling you names!

  19. you deserve AT LEAST a full refund not 50% of the amount as you say!!! Its funny some are saying give the Dr. a chance to stand by his work or that they "HOPE you take him up on his offer". Its not like you have less than optimal growth or something the whole experience was a disaster!!!You had red spots, necrosis for months and finally a poor result. I want to see the ones that say let the Dr. stand behind his work what would they do if it was their head!!!Would they go back?



    Can you at least tell us what did the doctor that treated your necrosis said it might be from? Was it from infection? did they use too much anasthesia shots and it created a problem to the area?


    Since the forum "recommends" this doctor maybe it can help you by "recommending" to the Dr as a sign of good faith to give your money back. If he says no then i believe he should not be recommended here anymore. No doctor bats a thousand but your case is very different than less than optimal growth, it reminds me the so called "butchered cases". your recipient still looks worst than before, necrosis can sometimes be life threatening if not treated so your overall health might have been at risk, and your scalp might have formed scar tissue underneath in those areas that might make repair difficult!!! nobody deserves this.


    some say that they admire the way you look at it. I dont admire it at all bro but i understand you, it seems somehow its supposed to be the norm for people who went through major problems with their transplants to be gracious and forgiving. I on the other hand believe that people should not be afraid to demand more. If a patient doesnt want to go back to the dr that ruined him we should all be on his side. your case is not a usual "i expected more growth" --- "come in for a touch up" you went through major problems. I am not saying the doc is the worst and others are better but in cases like yours you should set the terms of your compensation not the docs and everyone here should be supportive of that!


    Take care

  20. thanks for the replies guys.


    I started avodart as it was getting some amazing reports of miracle regrowth, obviously this was wishful thinking in my case and the results were much that could be expected for a nw7. During my consults with the Dr he advised stopping avodart all together as it was unlikely to be of any benefit in my case. The pre and post op instructions prescribe the use of minoxidil, from what ive read different clinics have different protocols on this. I also stopped the Nizoral as I read its not a good idea after a ht.



    I read all your story in your blog, you ve been through a lot my friend, it made me very sad. Most can relate to an extend or all the way but its always a pain when you read the effect of hairloss on people around the world.


    Some are stronger and cope better some are more sensitive and have it worst. Never the less its a shame when good people feel vulnerable to others. I just want to say that you didnt do nothing wrong... even if some of your choises were not the ideal (wigs etc)the only thing you were doing was trying to look better in order to feel better and fit in with others...


    you are a good man and went through a lot your story was very moving...


    But thats in the past now!!!I wish you the best and a nice result that will make you very very very happy :D:D:D

  21. That is a great case and thank you for sharing!!!


    I just dont understand one thing, You were a slick bald nw7 and you went on avodart, minox and nizoral 4 months before your surgery. Was it a doctors advice or you started by your self?



    I dont understand why on earth to be on such a regime if you are already nw7?There is no nw8 as far as i know :). Is there any explanation for this? sorry for the questions but the biggest reason i wont opt for a transplant is the strip scar and the need for medications. Yours is a good case to watch for many of us with advanced balding who dont want stip scars or antiadrogens(most cases we see here are woh results on people with little balding, that is not so hard but what happens down the road is the problem).


    So i am trying to understand if it was the doctors recommendation even in this stage of hairloss or your decision for this regime?


    thank you in advance

  22. That is impressive for you to look at but its also misleading for people who might base their decisions on this pics ;). Its impossible this numbers of grafts to give that transformation!


    I think you had more hair to begin with i saw your pictures somewhere before, at the first month you must had shockloss and your hair looks worst that what it really was before your transplant.


    Do you have any pics before the transplant?It would be far more accurate (though propably not so amazing ;))


    anyhow the after pics look great but you go a bit too far to show the transformation as dramatic as possible, i am sure you enjoy seeing them but for the shake of other people who dont know any better you should show before your transplant pics :rolleyes:

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