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Posts posted by Trunks

  1. 245fzp5.jpg


    I've decided I'm tired of the teasing and whatnot, so I've opted to grab some of the Rogaine Foam formula. I was really skeptical at the Walgreens pharmecy, and unsurprisingly the lady helping me told me I'd be pleased with it, so we'll see.


    I'm 22, I'm a guy, and I don't do anything too out of the ordinary. I don't have fantastic food habits (candy and fast food are staple foods), I don't exercise too much or too little, and I have a fairly healthy sexual appetite and I regularly am able to fulfill those desires. My father is bald on the top with hair around the sides and back of his head, but my grandfather on my mother's side died with a full head of hair, of old age. Can't say the same for my father's father, as he died at a young age.


    I can live with perhaps some day being bald, but I'm young and I want to live my young life with a mostly full head of hair. Hell, there's a character in a webcomic based off me, and I'd like to continue to bear some resemblance to him. :P


    I can't afford treatments, and I don't know what the best idea would be to combat hair loss. I've browsed here, and a lot of people have different answers, but tell me, what do you think?

  2. 245fzp5.jpg


    I've decided I'm tired of the teasing and whatnot, so I've opted to grab some of the Rogaine Foam formula. I was really skeptical at the Walgreens pharmecy, and unsurprisingly the lady helping me told me I'd be pleased with it, so we'll see.


    I'm 22, I'm a guy, and I don't do anything too out of the ordinary. I don't have fantastic food habits (candy and fast food are staple foods), I don't exercise too much or too little, and I have a fairly healthy sexual appetite and I regularly am able to fulfill those desires. My father is bald on the top with hair around the sides and back of his head, but my grandfather on my mother's side died with a full head of hair, of old age. Can't say the same for my father's father, as he died at a young age.


    I can live with perhaps some day being bald, but I'm young and I want to live my young life with a mostly full head of hair. Hell, there's a character in a webcomic based off me, and I'd like to continue to bear some resemblance to him. :P


    I can't afford treatments, and I don't know what the best idea would be to combat hair loss. I've browsed here, and a lot of people have different answers, but tell me, what do you think?

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