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Neet Upta

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Posts posted by Neet Upta

  1. I had a grade 5A baldness on the Norwood scale of baldness. I decided to go for the procedure after a lot of research and study. It is not very easy to trust the doctors with the kind of things happening around these days. 

    A lot of clinics had also told me that I wouldn't be able to get a full coverage due to the scarcity of the donor area. However, when I went for the procedure, as promised, the Eugenix doctors were able to cover my entire scalp with a sufficient number of grafts. Obviously they also has to extract a lot of those grafts from my beard too. 

    9 months down the lane, you can see the kind of growth that I have. I am aware that the density will keep increasing till the 12th month. However, I am quite satisfied with what I have got so far. But am also relieved that the density will only keep increasing.




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