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Dr Kinnar Kapadia

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Posts posted by Dr Kinnar Kapadia

  1. Side effect from hair transplant is normal and clear up within a few week.They can include:bleeding,infection,swelling on the scalp,itching,inflammation or infection of the hair follicles,numbness,shock loss,unnatural-looking tufts of hair.But if after surgery proper medications are taken and follow all post operative instruction given by surgeon we can avoid such problems very easily.

  2. Every Youth suffer from hair loss or baldness.And for losing hair there are lots of factors that are responsible.So,best option for you is to consult with hair transplant surgeon they will suggest you best option because they will first examine your scalp and skin and if required they will do biopsy and some medical test will also conduct to check you are facing any disease or not.Surgeon also consider your family history to find out whether it is hereditary or not after doing all these things surgeon will suggest you for transplant.Hair Transplant is best option for restoring your hair if medicines are not good for controlling hair fall. Don't waste your time and go ahead for finding best doctor from my opinion.

  3. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE),is a hair transplant method in which we extracts the follicular units of hair, from the donor area of your head, one by one.
    We uses a small microneedle,which punches a tiny incision around a hair follicle before extraction.
    Each unit contains one to four hairs. These one to four hair groupings (called follicular unit grafts) are then transplanted into the balding areas of your head. In this method thus,there's no need for us to make a long incision in the donor area, as in the FUT procedure.
    This is an ideal method of surgery for patients who like to wear their hair short. This method is also suggested for patients who have a tight scalp or have previously undergone the ‘strip’ or FUT method but with very little or no success. It involves following procedure-

    First we anesthetizes the scalp,then use small microneedle to make a circular incision minimum 1mm in daimeter to isolate a graft. Then using a tweezer-like instrument by using this instrument we extract follicular unit from your donor area. Before harvesting the grafts tiny holes are made on scalp and then follicular units are placed on tiny holes.

    FUE has become increasingly popular because less invasive surgery, short sessions,ideal for mustache or eyebrow replacement.



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