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Jack HT

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Posts posted by Jack HT

  1. 7 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    The issue, is that sometimes when you hear a medication lowers your libido, you will experience these side effects as a “nocebo” opposite of placebo. 

    I experienced side effects, and mine were real because I didn’t even know or read up on the medications side effects prior to taking it, but the majority of guys on this forum take it with no issues at all. Which leads me to believe I am an unfortunate outlier. You can buy proscar for a lot cheaper. Lastly, it’s completely up to you if you want to take it, but with all that hair you have, you should definitely consider it.

    It might be a good idea for me to see my own personal doctor and discuss it. I was originally prescribed it by a doctor from a large hairloss clinic in Australia who charge incredibly high prices and don’t really provide a lot of information. I will also look into that other medication as an alternative! 

    Thank you all for the feedback

  2. The finesteride issue mainly had to do with my libido and to be honest I’d heard and read some reviews that were strongly against it which contributed to me stopping. From all of your personal experiences have any of you experienced negative side effects over long term? Excuse my ignorance but why is finesteride so effective in stopping the loss? And is it a medication you take for the rest of your life? Also I was purchasing it through a hair restoration place and paying over $100 a month for it so it was obviously quite expensive 


  3. Thank you all for the feedback! Some of those styles really do suit the hairline.

    As a said in my original post Melvin I originally started taking finesteride and minoxidil (7%) and saw palmetto when I was 20 but stopped the finesteride due to the side effects. Do you think it would be a good idea to continue that again?

    I normally have a pretty dense/good head of hair usually, to be honest I think the hairline was having such a bad effect on my self esteem that I thought I’d see how I look bald. Turns out I have a very strange head shape.

    It’s good to get some reassurance from people who have been in similar positions! So wondering guys at what point should I begin to realistically consider a HT


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