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Posts posted by firsalah

  1. On 8/26/2018 at 11:17 AM, wheretogo said:

    Great result.

    i'm taking 5000 mcg biotin daily and 2000 mg MSM daily, is it ok to take biotin 10000 daily?, isn't too much?


    I take the maximum strenght tablets I could find. It's OK using 10000 daily, but imo I doubt there is  big difference between 5000 and 10000, you can keep taking 5000 mcg.

  2. Hi everyone,

    I had an FUE procedure 6 months ago with dr Demir (TURHAIR) in Istanbul, Turkey. Everything was perfect - the doctor's professioanlism, transfers airport-hotel-clinic, the translator,  the whole stuff....The operation lasted over 8 hours as a big area had to be covered. I got a PRP thearapy too included in the service. My donor area is pretty dense and in the examination the day before the procedure the doctor told me most of the grafts are with 3-4-5 and some with even 6 hairs. In fact only 300 of the 3850 grafts were single.

    I've never taken finasteride and will never try it. I've been using minoxidil from 2010 to 2015, but it just stopped working so I stopped it and decided to go for a hair transplant.

    My regimen after the procedure is: 1x bioin 10000mcg a day, 1x Saw Palmetto 450mg, 1x Pumpkin seed oil 1000mg, 1 tablet Multivitamins, Omega 3. Hairforte hairspray (Procapil) every other day and Nizoral shampoo 2 times a week.

    I post photos pre-op, 7 days post-op, 3 months post-op and 6 months post-op (with and withouth lightning).

    What do you think of the result guys?

    I'm still in the 6th month mark so I expect a little bit more growth in the crown area.





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