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Posts posted by bluebottle

  1. Great advice...nice to know how helpful people are on this!


    I've had a look at various before and after photos and videos - and I can't seem to find too many that follow my exact hair characteristics, or still can't decide between the two Dr's - I feel as indecisive as most females!!


    It does seem that Dr Hasson is very good at the mega 'megasessions' but as both Dr's have suggested between 3500 - 4000 grafts for me, I'm half thinking I'd be happy with the results from Dr Feller (provided my native hair doesn't all fall out through permanent shock loss and with my transplanted hair replacing it, I'm back to where I currently am!)


    I've also read various conference papers and comments from the Dr's themselves, and it seems Dr Feller can only has highly complimentary things to say about Dr. Hasson, so that in itself may say something...


    Tubs, I've seen your photos on a different site - really impressed and I'd definitely be happy if i could acheive that type of result. From looking at your before photos, they do seem quite similar to the stage I'm at now. So appreciate the offer to meet up, I'm in the Midlands but quite happy to meet up with you in the South East when convenient...

  2. Thanks for the advice guys, much appreciated. To be honest that is my hair just after it was cut. The longer it is the more transparent it looks, which is why I try and keep it as short as possible.


    My hair has always been on the thin side, but I've probably lost about 70% of what I originally had - this is even with the application of minoxidil for the last 10 years (5%, 12%, 15% + retin a and azelaic acid etc) and finasteride (propecia) for the last 3 and a half years. The propecia stabilised my hair loss initially between years 1 and 2 but it seems like i have become intolerant of it in the last year - pretty reluctant to take avodart due to the reports and its half life. I've also tried laser treatment and got sucked into wearing a hair system for a year which I regret big time!

  3. Hi all,


    I'm a new poster on the forum, but I've been actively reading topics for the last few months.


    I'm 31 years old, a diffuse thinner (photos attached I hope) and I am looking to get my HT procedure done in early 2010. This will I hope be my first and last HT!


    I have narrowed my choices down to Dr Feller and Dr Hasson, and as I live in England, have sent my photos off to be reviewed by the two docs. I am looking for my hairline to be rebuilt and my thinning areas filled in from front to back giving me good density.


    Dr F has estimated I will need in the region of 3500 grafts and Dr H 4000 grafts. I have also met up with Spex (Dr F) and spoken to Joe (Dr H) both of whom are great guys and very knowledgeable.


    As I cannot find faults with either of the two doctors, I'm wanting advice from you experienced guys as to who I should go for?


    I realise it may not be possible, but I really just want the one procedure, with a nice natural result. I realise shock loss is possible and dependant on the individual but as I am thin throughout and not having one large completely bald patch I am worried about permanently losing my existing hairs that I've spent years trying to maintain through minoxidil and propecia.


    I'm wondering whether my needs are to small to justify Dr H. as he seems to deal with patients who need a much larger number of grafts. I realise the amount of grafts is directly related to how much density I will get but I'm looking for the best result for the smallest number of grafts - the best overall package really, but that means i don't have to have another procedure in the future if i can keep my existing hair through the use of meds.


    I'm not wanting to know who's better on cost/distance to travel - it all comes down to with which Dr. I will get the best results for my own specific situation.


    Any advice, would be greatly appreciated...


    Many thanks

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