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Posts posted by keyboard80

  1. Thank you so much everyone, would really like to go with Erdogan but just can't afford the price.

    My budget is around 6K at the max, and judging by the feedback from most surgeons I will need 4000-5000 grafts.

    I was seriously considering Karadeniz but I am honestly not sure,

    Heard good things about Cosmedica but heard it is a "hair mill"?

    In the risk of sounding like a broken record  (please accept my apologies) are there any other surgeons I might have missed?

    Is Karadeniz best to avoid?


  2. 8 hours ago, mosd said:

    I would stay away from Karadeniz. He does not listen to you, he promises things and then dont do them. 

    My recommendation is to stay away from Karadeniz. Im not saying go to other, i have no idea how good or bad they are. But Karadeniz is a no go. 

    Many thanks, can you possibly elaborate? Have you had yours done by him?

    thank you so much for the reply’s so far.

    would it be possible for some members to suggest the top 5 surgeons in Turkey?

    have looked at Doganay and Erdogan, but they are a bit out of my price range

  3. Good morning,


    Firstly thank you so much for having me on your forum, it has been extremely helpful and provided me with a good insight into my HT journey.

    At present I am a NW 4.

    After much research and consideration I have narrowed my search down to two Doctors,

    Dr Civas and Dr Karadeniz.

    Dr Karadeniz has quoted me 5000 Euros with 4000-5000 hairs will be transmitted, Dr Karadeniz will do the majority of the work but his techs will do the implantations.

    Dr Civas has quoted me 5000 grafts at a cost of 1.5 euros per graft.

    Dr Cinik has quoted me 3000 / 5000 grafts for 2590 euros but heard his clinic is a possible "hair mill"?

    It is such as massive decision and I wondered if you could please offer your thoughts and suggestions?

    Any experiences are so very welcome

    Thank you in advance

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