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Posts posted by HairLossBlog

  1. Just had a transplant of 1500 FU via FUE a few days ago. Originally was recommended 1800-2000. Picture attached immediatley post-op.

    Here is my review of the day so far:

    I arrived at 7:30 for the surgery and was met at the desk. I filled out some paperwork and was asked if I brought my post-op antibiotics which the girl at the desk made it sound like they forgot to prescribe, but I did get a prescription on my way out and was able to fill on the way home.

    I was placed in a chair and although I shaved my head the night before with no guard as requested in the pre-op docs, I was told my hair was too long by the nurse and she shaved it closer. Dr. Alexander then came into the room and mentioned that my hair was too short, which caused me some concern about the miscommunication.

    Dr. Alexander made sure I was comfortable in the chair, he drew the hairline, he made sure we were on the same page about what I wanted from the surgery, and we had some small talk about what was on TV, and then we were off. He had no problem talking me through the whole procedure which I appreciated. I feel extremely comfortable with his skill and ability. He numbed the top of my head which was slightly painful but only for a few minutes and proceeded to create the holes for the grafts. This took about 2-3 hours, and you could tell he puts a lot of thought into this process and the proper angles for each hair.

    After the holes were made, we began prep for the ARTAS machine. For some reason the numbing of the back of my head hurt extremely badly. Like an 8 out of 10 on the pain scale where I couldn't even breathe. I had to request Dr. Alexander stop a few times so I could catch my breath. Likely I am just sensitive in that area, but man.... that part sucked. Once he was done obviously the operation was painless albeit uncomfortable. I was given some Xanax to relax during the ARTAS procedure. The staff mentioned the ARTAS takes about 2 hours. During the procedure they kept having discussions about how the machine was being extremely slow and they needed to call the rep to see what was going on. Just a warning: be ready to have your face mashed into some metal for a few hours. Overall I spent almost 4.5 hours under the ARTAS and after a few hours it became extremely uncomfortable. It was really difficult to stay in that position for 4.5 hours under that machine. Again, I'm not sure if this is normal or if the machine was broken, but after 4.5 hours and 1950+ FU removed, I was told only 1500 were able to be transplanted. I am trying to find some research online if this is normal because I hate to lose the 450 units, but I also appreciate Dr. Alexander not transplanting FUs that wont grow and  just charging me, which he easily could have done. I think this shows a lot of credit to his character. It does seem odd that it was exactly 1500, but again, its possible it was more than 1500 and he rounded down (its possible too that he rounded up) because of the potential machine error and time in chair so I will refrain from making any judgement here yet.

    I was then moved back to the chair, and the nurses came in and placed the transplanted hairs into the holes that were previously made. Honestly, I fell asleep during this time. I woke up about an hour later and the nurses were still working. Dr. Alexander popped in a few times to check on their work. They were having some discussion on where to put the hairs since 2000 holes were punched and they were only using 1500. I was done around 5:30pm, was given a prescription for antibiotics and some pain meds, and was on my way and felt fine. 

    One more interesting note. In the pre-op notes it states to stop finasteride and Rogaine, but in the post-op notes it states to use Rogaine at least 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks after the surgery to decrease shock loss. Interesting conflicting statements, and I would confirm with Dr. Alexander which he prefers before your procedure with him. 

    I got home and went to sleep pretty quickly. Some blood seeped through the bandage onto the pillow but there really wasn't that much pain, and I didn't need the pain meds starting the next morning. I removed the bandage and took the attached picture. As I write this 3 days post-op I am in almost no pain, but I do have significant face swelling from transfer of fluids (right eye swollen shut.) 

    Even with the odd experiences during the transplant, I feel comfortable Dr. Alexander is an extremely skilled surgeon and cares about each patient he takes care of. As of today, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him. I might recommend he coach his staff about the conversations they have in front of the patients because it may cause more concern than necessary, but lets see how everything turns out. I'll update with 1 week post-op pictures soon.



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