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Posts posted by heezyg

  1. I started losing my hair fairly young due to genetics and poor hairstyle decisions (dreads really thin your hair out and mess up your hairline); however, I was very lucky to have found Dr. Diep, who did not reject me at 23 because I was too young. No , instead he advised me on how to have a conservative procedure where I would not have the perfect hair, but in the long run, it would set me up to look my best as I aged. This meant not bringing my hairline lower, nor fixing the receding corners, but I was ok with those expectations as long as I kept my hair. I was incredibly lucky to get the FUE from him because I actually cancelled the FUT procedure with the first doctor I had found in Oakland because I didn't want a messed up scar on my head (I usually keep my sides very short).

    The first picture is of me in August 2014 where you cannot really tell from the picture, but my hair was very thin in the front.

    I got 1100 grafts in February 2015 and the second picture is in March 2 or 3 weeks after.

    The final picture was taken last Sunday, and yes, you can dye your hair after you get a transplant! Luckily, I have also been taking propecia and rogaine since I was 21, and their effects are additive over time. Now, at 26 (soon to be 27), I have plenty of hair on my head, and am thinking about a second procedure with Dr. Diep before I turn 30 to fill in some of my thinning areas (and maybe restore my hairline a bit more); however, the main thing to keep in mind with these surgeries is to not strive for perfection, just focus on how you can maintain most of your hair for the rest your life. I was very fortunate to have found Dr. Diep because back in 2014, I did not even like to get my hair wet for fear of it looking thin. Now I can enjoy any activity no matter how messed up my hair gets.





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