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Posts posted by AlexZ

  1. Here is my update after 3 months, 2 of them with a daily dose of Minoxidil.

    Donor area - perfect. No issues at all, and it doesn`t even require all that care that supposed to be applied, i.e. lotions, etc. It was my main concern when I was choosing between Dr. Bhatti and Turkish competitors like Cinik. Now I see that I did the right decision.

    Designated area - generally this is how it supposed to be on 3 months. The most of existing hair has survived after the transplantation and I noticed some grow after about a month, but by 3rd month I see almost no new growers. Almost all of the beard hairs didn`t make it. I have only those of them which haven`t fall out.

    The skin is not too red as it used to, there is a significant front line on sides, but with a big hole of didn`t survive beard hairs in the middle. My main hope is that they will wake up, otherwise, the cosmetic effect will be poor even in the best case of everything else and there will be no point in next transplantations.


  2. Hey all!


    A week ago I had HT in Darling Buds, India, made by Dr Bhatti. In advance, we agreed on 3000 scalp grafts and 500 from the beard.


    It was my very first trip to India, so I wanted by the way visit some special places as a tourist and only after a few days get HT. As that time it was around +40-46 Celcius in North India so I have got Sunburn lvl1, as Dr. Bhatti later said to me.


    I will skip my tourist`s adventures but point out where Dr. Bhatti was involved because without HT that trip would never happen and without Dr. Bhatti`s help it would be much different from what I had.


    As any tourist, I booked a hotel on Booking.com. It was cheap, had good reviews, and situated in the very centre of Delhi. When I informed Dr. Bhatti about that hotel he suggested to change it because it is not safe. Only after that suggestion, I realized that this hotel does not have even 10 reviews and was opened just about a month ago. Probably, Dr.Bhatti saved my stuff at this point.


    The next case happened again with a hotel, but already when I arrived at the city where Dr. operates - Chandigarh. The clinic offers you free pick up and all transportation between your hotel, clinic, and the local airport, but within 10km. This little rule I missed and booked a hotel in 17 km from the clinic, what according to local administration was in the neighbouring city, even though hotel`s name contained "Chandigarh" in its name. Still, I was transported everywhere without any additional charges. It would be fair to take money from me for this additional service, but it has not happened, Dr. Bhatti always helpful, and this is not a matter of money.


    The first time we have met on the day prior to the operation. We have discussed what I want, how we can make it, I donated blood for tests and have got my first pills. By the way, I saw a gemology lab on the same floor in the clinic, seems quite advanced and hi-tech. Later I have received my blood analysis with digital graphs regarding some components, which I noticed, has been done for an additional fee which clinic paid for me.


    On the next day, I have arrived at the clinic at 7 AM, as agreed, instead of breakfast having just a glass of liquid. I was given special medical clothes, a menu for a dinner, have met the anesthesiologist, in my hand inserted injector and left inside, and we started.


    Firstly I felt little finger knocks on my crowns. I didn`t understand why is that and what is going on, but later realized that this is a professional trick to distract me even from the tiniest pain while local painkiller has been injecting. Such things really worth respect for the medical professionalism.


    Dr. Bhatti personally made cuts, extracted grafts, and two assistants put them in. In between I had tasty dinner and enough time to sleep during the operation :) Once I was awakened by assistants because when I was sleeping my scalps was moving and it made insertion grafts more difficult. Also, during the extraction, there was a little part where local painkiller was not sufficient and I felt pain, so I have asked for more and it was fine.


    After all I was delivered to my hotel, take medications, and sleep well. This is an important thing, even troublesome for many patients. Dr. Bhatti recommended me to buy a pillow to sleep sitting like on a flight, which I didn't buy. And it was fine. I never had issues with sleeping. My donor area was so well-kept that I had just a little pain and was able to sleep as usual from the operation and ever after.


    On the next day, I went to the clinic, have got a lot of medication with me, more than 10 different types, had a fresh bandage, and one unexpected surprise. :eek: I was told that my area already has good coverage, so the doctor has decided to stop in 3200 instead of discussed 3500. It was perfectly fine because I wanted to keep my donor area on the back of my head as more natural as possible and take most from my beard. And this is exactly what happened. As we had fewer grafts transplanted Dr. Bhatti decided to return me money for those extra grafts. You see, this is a fair play, not like in Turkish clinic where they say (and take money for) bigger number than it looks like in real. Honestly, at some moment when I was planning operation, I was thinking about counting grafts because have seen complaints about rogue numbers. But here this is an etalon of good will and honest behaviour for everybody. Thank you very much for this.


    At the same day I had a jet to Delhi, but due to the dust storm, it never happened. Guess who saved me? :) Yes, Dr. Bhatti sent me a taxi with a driver, while hundreds of other people were waiting for their taxis to get away from the city. Thank you once again.


    What is now? Today is 1 week since the day of operation. I have my transplanted hairs freed up from cortex and already able to live a normal life. This is much better than I expected, much more than I wanted, and I am so much appreciated Dr Bhatti for all what he personally and his colleagues have done to me that I don`t have enough thankful words to explain myself. I compared this service, this level of professionalism, of support, with many twice more expensive clinics, and decided to go here because this is the best. After trying myself I can only say that it is even more and better than I could ever imagine. Thank you so much, God bless you.





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