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Posts posted by chris1201

  1. Hello guys! First of all, I am not doing any marketing here. I am just sharing what I know about hair loss and the treatments I use over the past 5 years.
    I think hair loss treatment should be a combination but not a just a stand alone treatment. And over the past 5 years, I have use the great 3 treatments:
    1. Propecia
    2. Rogaine 
    3. Hair Building Fibers
    Propecia or finasteride can inhibit the male hormone as a treatment for androgenic alopecia. Some say it can make you tire but for me, to avoid that, I will take it before bed. I find the pill useful in stopping further hair loss and in helping hair regrowth. One point to note, it does have some effect on sex drive.
    For Rogaine (contains Minoxidil), although it recommends me to use it twice a day, I use it during night time mainly as I find my hair too wet for styling if I use it at daytime. I do find it helps hair regrowth.
    The reason that I use hair building fibers is because I find the hair regrowth period too long and I like to enjoy thicker hair. It helps me to get thicker hair while I am waiting for hair regrowth. The two big brands that I recommend is either Toppik or Hair Magic. At the end I found Hair Magic gave me better outlook and it can last longer during the day.
    Let's all share all your secret weapons for your hair loss!
  2. I am 34 years old and started losing hair for few years and figure it should be due to stress at work and family history. I have tried using minoxidil but it was slow. Everyday when I go to work, I just worried people will stare at my baldness. I am still using minoxidil but during this period of treatment, I search for alternatives to cover my baldness.


    I incidentally saw a video on facebook on demonstration of hair fiber and I was amazed so I ordered to try. The fiber looks so much like my own hair and I am really happy with that. Since then I can't go to work without applying the fiber. ;)


    If you are also worrying about baldness, I want you to know there is such product in the market for you.


    I attached the video that I saw :)

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