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Posts posted by gm68

  1. Hi All,


    New member here.


    I started a discussion here a couple of months ago after 7 months on propecia/proscar. In short I had major shedding for the first 3 months or so followed by a noticeable stabilisation of my situation. 2 months after starting the thread above not much has changed, my situ has been stable for 5 months or so now, but it has stabilised in a pretty poor state. I was already very thin in the crown, but the propecia seems to have caused most shedding in the front section. Nanogen is now my best friend.


    So I'm wondering how long to give it before taking the big step into HTs. I'm in two minds. Part of me says give the meds the full 12 months before making any decisions, period. Another part says that it's now unlikely that the propecia will provide an acceptable solution by itself and I will end up going down the HT route to some extent or another, and if I get my slot booked I could be well down the recovery/regrowth route by this time next year (whereas delaying a decision will probably add a year to this).


    For now the former part is winning.


    Any thoughts (my full story is in the link above).




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