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Posts posted by Stanners117

  1. Thank you for all your advice everyone - much appreciated.


    I’m not rushing into anything and have much more research to conduct before I make a decision. I think I’ll probably wait another 6 months on the finastride to see what effect it has.


    I would say that I have always had a relatively high hairline and probably started receding at 16 so it’s been a rather gradual process. Hopefully finastride should help halt or slow this process.


    I agree on the hairline that someone suggested - looks much better!


    Is there any difference between Dr. Farjo and Dr. Reddy?


    Which method, FUT or FUE do you think would be most appropriate?


    Thanks again for your advice.



  2. Hello,


    I've been flicking through many of these threads while conducting my research into the best approach for managing/correcting my receding hairline.


    I'm 25 and from the UK. I've been taking Finasteride for about 6 months but am unsure as to the results. I appear to be shedding hair still. Is this normal?


    I've had a few consultations already and have been advised that to restore my hairline I will require 2000 grafts in a transplant procedure. I have a good, thick, donor area and no loss on the crown.


    I would like to know whether it is advisable for me to opt for a transplant and, if so, who the best surgeons are in the UK? Please note, I am not willing to travel outside the UK.


    Any advice would be greatly received.


    (See pictures attached)





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