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Posts posted by Sunner

  1. Hello Garageland, thanks for the reply....... Good idea about meeting for a consulatation but wont be able to make it at the end of august as well busy at work and cant get no time off at the moment but nearer the end of the year would be ideal. Would be good to stay in touch.


    Chrisdav...... thanks for that offer, i will definitely take you up on that. Will send you an e mail, many thanks.

  2. Hello all, hope some of you can help me out here.


    I have been studying this site for approx 4 years since my hairloss has been noticeable at the age of 25. I am currently 29 with nw2-3 hairline with no crown loss. Before i make up my mind about going through with surgery i am hopeing to meet previous patients who have had FUT hairline work with some of the top docs including rahal, feller, hassan and wong etc. I currently live in the south west, england so anybody aroung that area would be great but i am willing to travel if need be........


    So if any previous patients could meet for a drink so i could russtle through your thatch and throw some questions at you, would be very much appretiated.


    Many thanks

  3. thanks for the detailed explanation mattj.


    So im my case i would say my forelock has lost about 50% density, my temples are basicly gone so if i wanted to get my hairline back would the surgeon not worry about the native hair on my forelock and just transplant the same density all the way round my hairline into my foelock so when the rest of the forelock continues to fall out it will still look normal? is that correct?

    also is it worth getting a fairly small procedure (1500-2000 grafts) first or is it better to wait til you have quite a bit of loss then have a fairly bigger procedure (3000+)?

  4. I have had a few online consoltations with Rahal, Feller and hassan and wong which have all really said the same amount. I also had a face to face consoltation with farjo about a year ago. Im 27 and have been losing my hair for atleast 5 years and have been on finasteride for just over a year. Also using minoxidil around the hairline which has slowed down the loss a bit.


    I agree with going conservative, my main concern is the framing of my face. I see you have had yours done fairly recently. Hows the progress? are you glad you have had it done? What were you on the norwood scale?

  5. Thanks for the reply.


    Others cons would be the amount of surgeries needed, Im currently about a nw3 with no thinning in crown but forelock slightly going. I think the finasteride is holding up well for crown. I was planning to wait for the forelock to go then get the whole frontal third filled back in. Would that be a good idea? I have had a couple quotes of about 1500 - 2000 grafts. I would say my donor area would be above average as have really quite thick hair around back/sides. Then i would proberly only need another 2/3 surgeries altogether.


    Also i was wandering about transplanting grafts where the hair is already thinning for example. To what degree would the surgeon put grafts into your native hair? I know that shock loss would occur if went too far back so where would the surgeon start transplanting the hairs? or does he just transplant grafts onto totally bald areas? Hope this makes sense.



  6. Hello all,


    Just have a quick question which has been bugging me for a while. I read somewhere that if a HT is done properly by a quality surgeon even hairdressers cant notice? Is this true? Im thinking of getting a HT done maybe next year but still looking at the pros and cons. Can a few patients please tell me about there experiences with the hairdresser, like how long after your HT would you go to the hairdressers? did they notice? also texture between transplanted hair and normal hair? Thanks in advance

  7. Im not sure about the revita/shed mate although i am using revita. but i do have the ab king pro. Its not a bad bit of equitment but when i use it it does strain the top of my back/ shoulders area. I havnt had a ht yet so wouldnt know how sensitive your scar is. Maybe if you put it on the easiest option and make sure the back rest doesnt go back too far you might be okay.

  8. Thanks for the quick reply and helpful advice, much appretiated. I have attached another photo which hopefully gives a better view of my hairline. As for family history, my brother who is 2 years older is experiencing the same problem but also losing his at the back slightly, but i would say mine is worse at the front, he is also using finasteride and minoxidil. My dad has a good head of hair for a 57 year old aswell. I wouldnt want to get back my teenage hairline as that would make me look silly in years to come but just get back some coverage/density around the front as i feel as i have have lost about 25% of my hair around the front region. I am very very keen on getting this done as it has affected every part of my life including my social life which is non existant at the moment.

    Thanks the B spot i will search spex, i am also looking into farjo from manchester as he has a very good reputation. where is dr feller based?

    Rachmunas4life, hope these photos has better views. Would be good to keep in contact with you as seem like going through a very similar stage. What are you planning on having done? has finasteride worked for you? any info on your experience would be appretiated.

    Thanks for the advice mattj, hope i have answered all your questions, any comments would be appretiated also.

    Think i can only upload one photo per reply.

  9. Hello All,

    Firstly just like to say this is a great forum with excellent information, respect to everyone as i know what losing your hair can do to every aspect of ya life. I am a 26 year old male from the UK looking to get my hair sorted ASAP. I see myself as NW 2 nearly NW3. I have been on finasteride/proscar cut in to quarters for approx a year now which has sort of slowed down my hair loss but i still feel that i need more hair around the front as i have receded a fair bit and got quite a bit of thinning. I have also just started using minoxidil around my hairline from yesterday which i hopeing will thicken it up. Iv have been looking into hair transplants recently as i think it is going to be the best solution for myself. I have uploaded a photo of my hairline, can someone please give me some advice on how many grafts i need or even if i should wait for further loss?? I dont seem to be losing hair at the back of my head, could be do with the finasteride i am taking. I also tried shaving my head a year ago which made me look like a right peanut icon_smile.gif so that is not an option, i definately want my hair longer which i am trying to grow at the moment. Any advice would be appretiated. Many thanks


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