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Posts posted by fjavierm

  1. unfortunately, seeing in forums and other cases, I have seen that just after 8-10 days, the scabs fall and there remains a lot of transplanted hair that falls out after a month. But in the cases that when the scabs fall, there is no hair, because it has fallen with scabs or another reason, so according to the evaluation of cases, I have seen that transplantation is not usually successful


    In summary, after 10 days if you have hair that falls after a month, it is almost certain that the transplant has been a success


    But if the scabs fall off after 10-12 days and you do not have hair left, it is that you have not survived much transplant


    Seeing other colleagues who also operated on the same dates, many of them, the implanted hair has remained up to 1 month, or even more, practically all the implanted hair, and then from the month it is falling


    Of the 6 people who operated on the same dates, the bad luck that I am the only one who has fallen


    One thing that could happen, is that something failed in the transplant, everything can happen.

    Another also, is that I perform the transplant in the afternoon I finish at 18:00 and then at night to sleep take a pill that gave me the clinic and I wake up all sweating everywhere, it was an effect of the painkiller, because it was just take it and start sweating

    The next day at the clinic they took off the bandages and washed our heads for what could also be, that when washing and after sweating, dragged the hair


    The thing is that seeing my colleagues and watching forums, I do not have much hope that the operation has gone well, since right after the scabs was not right, even seeing that 3,600 grafts were more than enough to give a good look and a success, bad luck, mine.


    This is what happens in Turkey, now to wait.

  2. Admin Update: To clarify, Dr. Serkan was the chosen hair transplant surgeon, not Dr. Erdogan. Thus, the title of this topic has been changed.




    I was in Turkey last 6 March, 3600 grafts.

    But i am a very worried, cause, 19 days later, i am watching comparing with other persons who operated the sames days, my evolution is a little worse.


    I have lost a lot of hairs.


    I want to post to ask 'real and true opinions' about people who also do the transplant or doctors.


    i see very soon to lost so much hair


    3.600gratfs concentrates on the frontal


    i attach pics


    1 and 2, before the operation

    3 (one weeks after)

    4 (15 days after)

    5 (19 days after)






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