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Posts posted by BethMarie

  1. Hi Everyone,


    I'm a young, healthy, female who has been experiencing hair loss in my temples/down my hairline. All of my blood work has come back normal. I'm not on any medication, and I was told I have classic androgenetic alopecia.


    I started noticing thinning in my temples a year ago, but it wasn't bad enough for me to change the way I wore my hair and it didn’t really worry me all that much as I am positive I was the only one who noticed it. My dermatologist recommended that I try Rogaine. I used the 5% foam for about about three months, but noticed the thinning began to rapidly increase so I stopped using it. I'm not sure if the Rogaine was actually what caused the sudden increase in thinning or not, but it was traumatic enough for me to not want to risk it.


    I have since been told that Finasteride (5mg) is an option, however I haven't been able to find many studies on the long-term effects it can have on premenopausal women, and therefore I'm extremely hesitant to take it. I am aware of the pregnancy risks - my husband had a vasectomy over three years ago. Our family is complete.


    I began LLLT about three weeks ago, wearing the helmet every other day for 25 minutes (per the instructions), and just had a one-time PRP with ACell treatment done last week. I have a feeling I'm wasting my time and thousands of dollars, however another part of me feels like I need to try these things before having a transplant. I plan to give these treatments and the Viviscal Professional supplements I recently picked up a shot for 4-6 months. If I see no improvement or if things get worse, I’m moving on. I feel as though I’m at a point where I really can’t sit around and let this get worse as it is becoming harder for me to hide.


    With that said, I am beginning my search for a surgeon. I'm really looking for someone who has a special interest and a lot of experience working with female pattern baldness, specifically women who are experiencing loss in the temple/front hairline region. I'm willing and able to travel anywhere in the United States, however I’m located in the Midwest. I'm not interested in a place that has you meet with a sales consultant first. Does anyone have any recommendations?


    Thank you in advance for your help! I really appreciate it.

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