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Posts posted by tberry

  1. Borderline, Let your hair grow 2-3 inches on the sides and back. I'm assuming that you are going to have some time off after your HT surgery. After 8 or 10 days the scabs will be off and it will look much better than you think it will at this point. Still a little red and people will know you have had something done if you can't wear a cap. If you cut it down where your scar is showing from your strip, that's what will draw attention to your head. I kept mine long until I had my sutures out then had my barber cut it as short as he could without the scar showing. I own my own business and just started wearing a hat before my transplant so people wouldn't notice me coming in all of a sudden after my surgery and start asking me about it. I know how it is though, I worried myself sick about what others would think or say about it. As it turned out it just wasn't a big deal at all. You'll be surprised at how well it actually looks after 8 10 days. Good luck

  2. I went to a local brance of a national lab in my town to have my bloodwork done. Dr Shapiro had an account # with them and the fee was charges to Shapiro. I wasn't charged anything over my initial fee for the bloodwork. You have about 4 techs and Dr Shapiro working on you for a full day and in any HT there is blood from taking the strip, cutting the strip and making the incisions. If I was the Dr I would want to insure the safety of my employees and myself. Shapiro is a good guy. I'm going back in a few months for another go-round to fill in my crown and touch up on my first HT from March. Good luck.

  3. I told my barber ahead of time that I was having a HT and asked if he could give me my first haircut after hours. I called him a day or two ahead of time and met him there at closing time. I've been going to him for years and he was glad to do it. I also gave him a much larger tip than usual. Just call and explain the situation and I'm sure yours will probably do the same. Good luck.

  4. When I had my HT done with Shapiro, I didn't take them up on their offer to watch a movie or TV. When I went into the procedure room there was already some music playing kinda low and I figured that I would rather have the techs working on me comfortable and relaxed. I figured it was my job to sit still and let them do their work without any other distractions. It wasn't too difficult to do with a valium or two in me!!

  5. Altair, if there is anybody on this forum that I'm rooting for it is you. Cooley is a good doctor and from everything I've heard about him he is a real standup guy. You are a brave sole to put your pic out there. Everyone will be watcdhing this one real close. Keep us posted with your progress and good luck to you. tberry

  6. forlife

    I'm just over 3 months out from my initial HT with Dr. Shapiro. I had just shy of 2600 graphs. I had a little bit of tightness initially but it soon went away. I cannot tell that I have any loss of feeling or tightness in my reciepient or donor area. It really hasn't been a big deal for me. I worried myself to death before I had the procedure done, but again it just wasn't a big deal. I will have no hesitation about going in for the next one in about 8 months. The scar is in no way detectable in my case. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. tberry

  7. Altair, I'm sure Dr. Cooley will be able to help you. I also had a consult with Dr. Cooley before i had my HT In March with Shapiro. I was impressed with Cooley when I met with him and I think he is good choice. I would consult with others also. Shapiro does excellent repair work and I would at least send him some pictures to get an evaluation. I live in the Carolinas also and wanted to stay close to home initially, but listening to everyone on this forum convinced me not to limit myself to my geographical area.


    I'm confident you will find someone who can fix your problem.


    Tedgroves: Grow up

  8. Dr Shapiro and i discussed both staples and sutures. He led me to believe that there really wasn't a significant difference in how my scar would turn out if i went one way or another. I chose the sutures. I look at the scar everyday and it looks good and tight. Having them removed Monday afternoon. I did the same thin Mapman did. Bought a travel pillow and use it for sleeping. The first few nights it was uncomfortable, but it did not hurt. I was more concerned with moving my head around and pulling the suture line apart while I slept and also rolling over and putting pressure on the graphs. I just didn't have any pain from sutures. When I go back for my 2nd on I'll ask for sutures again. I have used all my spray up as well and still have the majority of tiny scabs attached. I'm following all the directions but still can't bring myself to rub with the pads of my fingers while shampooing to help loosen them. I'm just letting them come off when they are ready. I'm still amazed that this has been so easy. I had myself convinced that it was going to be a real hassel. It just isn't a big deal. Can't wait for the 2nd one. Still trying to post my pics for everyone to see. Hopefully today. Good luck and let me know how it goes for you.

  9. I haven't posted very often , but have spent a considerable amount of time learning from all of you on this forum. First let me thank all of you that contribute here for the education you have provided me to help me make a decision to have a HT.


    My experience at Shipiro Medical was outstanding. I arrived the morning of the 18th and was evaluated by Matt and Dr. Shapiro. As everyone else has described, Dr. Shapiro is a true professional and took the time to make sure we had a good plan for what would be done.


    I choose to be more conservative with my hairline because my hair is considered fine to medium and i want enough donor hair to give me some coverage on the crown on my next procedure as well as more for later in case I need it. Dr Shapiro did tell me that we could actually get a bit more agressive than I wanted to with the hairline, but it was my choice to stay conservative.


    When the procedure actually got under way the only pain i had the whole day was getting the injections in the donor area and it still was not anything like I expected it to be. Almost not worth mentioning here but I remember that I was concerned about it so i want to mention it here. After I was numb, Dr Shapiro took the strip out. That was the part I dreaded the most and let me tell you folks, it just wasn't a big deal. Quick, painless, and no discomfort at all.


    The technicians that work with Shapiro are fantastic. Can't say enough about how well they work together and how comfortable they made me feel. Those ladies have a real tedious job working all day cutting and trimming all those graphs. I left the music on instead of watching a movie so they could relax. I had valium to relax me and i chatted with them through the whole procedure.


    Dr Shapiro made all the recipient incisions and placed the initial graphs, then the techs placed most of the others. During the last hour of the procedure Dr Shapiro placed all the graphs and did the final touches on the hairline. He was very proactive the entire day with my procedure. Dr Shapiro is a great guy. Real laid back but still professional. Real easy to talk to and explains things well.


    I can't say enough about how well run the whole operation is at SMG. You can tell when people are just going through the motions to do their job and go home at the end of the day, but these people really care about what they are doing and it shows.


    I went in for 2000-2500 graphs. Fortunantly, I got more that expected with 2600. We recreated the hairline and went to the mid section. I will probably need another 2500 for crown work which I will have in 9 months to a year.


    I'm 6 days post op and have no pain or discomfort other than itching from the donor area. The donor area seems to be healing well and I'm looking forward to getting the stitches out on Monday. Will post more pics as things progress. I highly recommend Shaipro.


    Thanks again to all who have shared in this forum. I appreciate your help.

  10. I haven't posted very often , but have spent a considerable amount of time learning from all of you on this forum. First let me thank all of you that contribute here for the education you have provided me to help me make a decision to have a HT.


    My experience at Shipiro Medical was outstanding. I arrived the morning of the 18th and was evaluated by Matt and Dr. Shapiro. As everyone else has described, Dr. Shapiro is a true professional and took the time to make sure we had a good plan for what would be done.


    I choose to be more conservative with my hairline because my hair is considered fine to medium and i want enough donor hair to give me some coverage on the crown on my next procedure as well as more for later in case I need it. Dr Shapiro did tell me that we could actually get a bit more agressive than I wanted to with the hairline, but it was my choice to stay conservative.


    When the procedure actually got under way the only pain i had the whole day was getting the injections in the donor area and it still was not anything like I expected it to be. Almost not worth mentioning here but I remember that I was concerned about it so i want to mention it here. After I was numb, Dr Shapiro took the strip out. That was the part I dreaded the most and let me tell you folks, it just wasn't a big deal. Quick, painless, and no discomfort at all.


    The technicians that work with Shapiro are fantastic. Can't say enough about how well they work together and how comfortable they made me feel. Those ladies have a real tedious job working all day cutting and trimming all those graphs. I left the music on instead of watching a movie so they could relax. I had valium to relax me and i chatted with them through the whole procedure.


    Dr Shapiro made all the recipient incisions and placed the initial graphs, then the techs placed most of the others. During the last hour of the procedure Dr Shapiro placed all the graphs and did the final touches on the hairline. He was very proactive the entire day with my procedure. Dr Shapiro is a great guy. Real laid back but still professional. Real easy to talk to and explains things well.


    I can't say enough about how well run the whole operation is at SMG. You can tell when people are just going through the motions to do their job and go home at the end of the day, but these people really care about what they are doing and it shows.


    I went in for 2000-2500 graphs. Fortunantly, I got more that expected with 2600. We recreated the hairline and went to the mid section. I will probably need another 2500 for crown work which I will have in 9 months to a year.


    I'm 6 days post op and have no pain or discomfort other than itching from the donor area. The donor area seems to be healing well and I'm looking forward to getting the stitches out on Monday. Will post more pics as things progress. I highly recommend Shaipro.


    Thanks again to all who have shared in this forum. I appreciate your help.

  11. I've tried in the past to share some before photos of my hair but have not been successful. I'll try again now. I'm 47 and this is my first HT. Going to Shapiro this thursday for an initial 2000-2500. I realize I will need more for decent coverage. My hair is medium to fine. Going to go for a mature hairline but I do want some coverage in the crown also. Probably will have to wait on that for the second go round. Suggestions and comments are welcomed. Thanks

  12. I've tried in the past to share some before photos of my hair but have not been successful. I'll try again now. I'm 47 and this is my first HT. Going to Shapiro this thursday for an initial 2000-2500. I realize I will need more for decent coverage. My hair is medium to fine. Going to go for a mature hairline but I do want some coverage in the crown also. Probably will have to wait on that for the second go round. Suggestions and comments are welcomed. Thanks

  13. I had a consultation with Cooley and really likeed the guy and his staff. He is in the same state as i am and I've heard a lot of good things about him. I'm having my first HT next month and I choose Shapiro. I guess the main reason was that I just didn't see any examples of his work that came close to matching my condition. The photos on his web site have been there for quite awhile. If I could have seen some more of his work either in person or some recent photos I may have stayed close to home and had Dr Cooley do it. I'm comfortable with my decision going to Shapiro, but i think Cooley is a good Dr. Also.

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