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Posts posted by DDMAN

  1. Hey guys - been starting to really look into hair loss solutions with hair transplant being at the top of the list.


    I have noticed a number of threads where it seems it is sort of mandatory to take propecia post op or indefinitely.


    I'd really rather not ever touch the stuff as I have a good friend who has endocrine burnout and total loss of sexual desire. I found out about this a couple years back when he came out about it and I wasn't even looking for solutions then. He's an awesome dude, not a fear mongerer at all.


    Years ago, a derma told me to get on it because i was showing signs of hair loss. He really tried to convince me and i basically said fuck that simply at the mention of sexual side effects. In my gut i knew back then not to mess with it.


    Now my hair is getting pretty thin though i manage it well with a great stylist and keeping it short. I am also on Minoxidil and 1% Nizoral (which I've learned probably doesnt do anything)


    Bottom line is: do need to be on Propecia post-op does everyone do this? Will the hair fall out again without it?

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