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Posts posted by munster1

  1. Conor Kiely is an absolute disgrace. Unfortunately I've had the misfortune of having a number of hair transplants by this guy. The results have been terrible and I've ended up with appalling scarring at the back of my head. This guy really needs to be stopped as he has caused terrible mutilations to numerous vulnerable people concerned with hair loss. He has gotten away with it because people are slow to write to the Irish Medical Council outlining their concerns about this guy. I've written to them and I would ask anyone who has had a terrible experience with this pathetic excuse for a doctor to write into the medical organisations before he does more damage to people. Also I would suggest you seek a refund off him for any unsatisfactory work carried out, he will do anything to prevent the medical organisations from discovering what he has being doing to his unfortunate patients for the last decade. How this guy is still in business I don't know. Unfortunately like many others I fell for his spin and went back to him each time as he said he would rectify the damage, what a terrible mistake that was! When I approached him after the last transplant and how unhappy I was with the results of all his handy work and with the horrific scaring, he treatened me. I proceeded to write to him requesting all my money back so I could go to a professional to try and recify at least some of th damage he caused, I cc'd the Irish Medical Council with photo evidence of his work. He quicky refunded the fees he took off me after initially treatening me. Anyway, do plenty of research before choosing a professional, these forums are excellent. Unfortunately I only recently discovered it. Please please write to the Irish Medical Council if you've experienced the disgraceful work of Conor Kiely as he will continue to destroy lives if left to continue practicing hairtransplants. The lies and spin on his website is astonishing!

  2. Conor Kiely is an absolute disgrace. Unfortunately I've had the misfortune of having a number of hair transplants by this guy. The results have been terrible and I've ended up with appalling scarring at the back of my head. This guy really needs to be stopped as he has caused terrible mutilations to numerous vulnerable people concerned with hair loss. He has gotten away with it because people are slow to write to the Irish Medical Council outlining their concerns about this guy. I've written to them and I would ask anyone who has had a terrible experience with this pathetic excuse for a doctor to write into the medical organisations before he does more damage to people. Also I would suggest you seek a refund off him for any unsatisfactory work carried out, he will do anything to prevent the medical organisations from discovering what he has being doing to his unfortunate patients for the last decade. How this guy is still in business I don't know. Unfortunately like many others I fell for his spin and went back to him each time as he said he would rectify the damage, what a terrible mistake that was! Anyway, do plenty of research before choosing a professional, these forums are excellent. Unfortunately I only recently discovered it. Please please write to the Irish Medical Council if you've experienced the disgraceful work of Conor Kiely as he will continue to destroy lives if left to continue practicing hairtransplants. The lies and spin on his website is astonishing!

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