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Posts posted by 826

  1. It looks great. Your frontal hairline looks completely natural in your photos and the hair coverage on top is thick. This was money well-spent, and your result encourages me to get my own FUE procedure in the next few years (my hair looks about as bad as yours does in the last photo you posted). 

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  2. The best evidence suggests that male pattern baldness is 80% genetic.

    Genetic prediction of male pattern baldness


    Stress, diet, exercise, smoking, exposure to toxins, and all other factors put together only explain 20% of a man's hair loss.


    I've read that traumatic experiences and very stressful conditions (like being a soldier during a war) can cause acute hair loss, but that's different from male pattern baldness, and it grows back once the trauma ends.


    I think your hair looks fine.


    With respect to the traumatic incident you experienced and the follow-up symptoms, I really hope you told your doctor about them, and that he in turn had you talk to a mental health specialist. There's no shame in doing that, and you don't have to tell all your friends and family that you did it. If you never revealed your problems to your doctor, you should set up an appointment and do so ASAP. Even if you're feeling "OK" now, it might be that you have a chronic problem that will inevitably recur. Better to address it sooner rather than later.


    Also, if your job is really stressing you out, then you need to start taking steps now to getting a new one. Take it from me: I've had several bad job experiences in my life, and the biggest lesson I've learned is to move on as soon as possible. Yes, looking for new jobs and going to interviews is time-consuming and hard, but it's worth it if it gets you out of a miserable current job.

  3. Hello,


    I'm a 33 year-old, Norwood 3 who has been slowly losing hair since age 19, and it's looking bad enough that I'm seriously considering a hair transplant. Who are the best FUE surgeons from Raleigh to NYC? I live at the midpoint of those two places and would like to see someone within driving distance.


    Other details:

    -Both of my grandfathers were Norwood 6s, my father luckily only ever became a Norwood 3 Vertex, and my mother has thin hair.

    -I have been taking generic finasteride for over ten years, and though it noticeably slowed my hair loss and even reversed it a bit in the beginning, it didn't stop it.

    -I don't want to get an FUT procedure because of the risk of permanent scalp numbness and because I am prone to keloid scars.

    -I'm willing to go as far west as Pittsburgh as well for the hair transplant.



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