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Posts posted by Psychobuff

  1. Hi there


    I'm very close to pulling the trigger on booking a surgery with Dr. Bisanga for an FUE, 2500/2700 graft transplant.


    I have done what I feel is good research (lurked forums) and Dr. Bisanga seems to fit the bill very well in regards to his online reviews and in dealing with him personally.

    I had a consultation with him in London a few weeks ago.


    Now, despite having felt very confident in my research I've become very nervous about making the final booking, paying the deposit and wondering if I'm making the right choice.


    Another aspect is that I started taking Propecia under Dr.Bisanga's advice.

    I was adamant on not taking Propecia due to the possible side affects but took it under his good word.

    I have become anxious about long term effects of this drug.


    I'd like to ask here if there's any advice or re-assurance you'd be able to give based on my choices?

    I know a lot of things are down to personal preference of course but I trust your greater knowledge

    of both the drug Propecia and of Dr. Bisanga within the world of surgery.


    I would truly appreciate any advice you could give!


    Thank you





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