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Posts posted by researchinghairtransplants

  1. I can say this. There are only a few surgeons I have seen with the guts to show their results as they are combing through the patient's hair. Dr Diep, Lorenzo, & Couto have all done this without any evidence of "funny business." Of those I have seen willing to comb through the crown of their patients' heads Lorenzo and Couto are the only ones I have seen with the guts to then spray the hair with water.


    If nothing else, this shows a passion for and confidence in their work that any good surgeon needs.


    For my purposes, I had a haircut a few days ago with 1 guard so my donor area looks the way it does partially because the hair is cut so short. I am not sure of the real quality of it but will find out once I get my in-person consultation with legit measurements.


    Still, if anyone can get Dr Lorenzo or Couto to respond I'd be greatly in-debt. :-D

  2. Thank you everyone for your kind advice. I'm certainly going to submit to collective wisdom and get a number of in-person consultations.


    If I can't come to some reasonable consensus from friends, other hair loss sufferers, and the surgeons then I probably just shouldn't have such a drastic procedure. I'll let everyone know how my consultations go and would be happy to share results if I do end up having a procedure.


    I've been researching a bunch and am super jealous of the results of Lorenzo and Couto in Madrid. If anyone knows them please beg them to return my emails, I'd be happy to take a vacation! ;-)

  3. Thanks for your input guys. I am struggling a bit with the decision myself because I recognize dry + Caboki I can get a reasonable appearance but I would love to be free & not scared of the pool or rain. I had a long conversation with Dr Baubac's representative today & scheduled an in person consultation as well. I look forward to hearing from other patients & surgeons and will keep doing my research.


    I know there is a good argument for waiting but I wonder what you all think about the fact you are only 30-something once. Why not have more confidence and feel better about your hairline or enjoy swimming etc. in your 30s? Is it really worth postponing that until it gets worse? You may not even live to be 55....

  4. Hi everyone,


    I'm 34 and have been losing my hair since my late teens & early 20s. I'm going through a (happy & amicable) divorce and am obviously going to be back dating. I have been self-conscious about my thinning/balding hair for quite some time and don't go swimming or do a lot of the things I enjoy because of it. Mostly, I wear hats when not at work. I'd like this to change.


    I have taken 1/4 of a 5mg finasteride for the past 10 years which has likely helped slow the progression but I now have diffuse loss & miniaturization. I have reached out to some Beverly Hills surgeons (Baubac, Mohebi, Diep, & Umar). Dr Mohebi requested a $150 consult fee and I am awaiting responses/consults from Diep & Umar. Dr Baubac recommended PRP (a $2500 value for free if I book the transplant in Feb :rolleyes:) and 1,500 grafts to the crown and top ($12,000). What I can find of his work appears to be quality and he appears to be a good surgeon on the surface (absent the pressure sales tactics).


    I am looking for advice though, both on whether I should have a procedure at all at this point and whether I should simply continue getting consultations with other physicians and avoid Dr Baubac.


    I have attached a number of photos wet & dry, styled & unstyled. Every single comment and recommendation is appreciated. I need as much information as possible to make the right decision for myself at this point in my life.









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