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Posts posted by cyrilhan

  1. Hello all

    i have been losing my hair since puberty, now i am only 21 years old and i am already a norwood 4 i would say. i have lost my hair in a devastating way and still do, even though i have been a year and half on finasteride now.

    at the beginning it worked for me, my crown improved much and hair loss was moderated. then a couple of month ago i started to lose my hair again .

    I would appreciate any advise from anyone , specially who had a similar experience at such a young age. 

    this probelm of hairloss is highly affecting my psychological state, i would do anything to resolve that.

    thanks for reading

    WhatsApp Image 2019-06-01 at 16.16.10.jpeg

    WhatsApp Image 2019-06-01 at 16.16.10 (1).jpeg

    WhatsApp Image 2019-06-01 at 16.16.09.jpeg

  2. Mr. Cyrilha,


    Your pattern of loss indicates a NW4V and I believe your future pattern will be more severe. Medication is of the utmost importance at this time as you must arrest the loss before you can consider surgery. If you do not, you will continue to lose more hair thus rendering any procedures much less effective. You should consult with specialists in your area and even send out for online consultations to get various opinions, but nothing should be done until you see how medication works for you for at least one solid year. At that time you can evaluate again.

    Thank you doctor for your reply , that's appreciated


    Should i have hope on just maintaining what i do have now ? Since my type of hair loss is too aggressive, i just fear medications won't work.

  3. I am 20 years old. i have been losing my hair for the past 6 years, it never stops. my dad is bald but he started to lose his hair when he was 28, for me it started when i was just 14.

    I am on finasteride now,have been on it for 2 months now and i know it's too early to judge.

    I need an advice. I am deteriorating psychologically and i am really too depressed. I have no life and no confidence at all.


    What norwood is that? 4 i guess?

    are there any other medications i can still consider? will finasteride help?

    Is a Hair transplant an option for me?


    Is there any hope i can recover some hair on medications? or just maintianing would be the maximum?


    Please check the links for my photos






  4. Hello,

    I am only 20 years old and i have been suffering from hair loss for about 6 years now. i have unfortunately clear balding areas.

    I am on finasteride right now . I would like to know ,in my case, can it grow some hair back and improve the density? even a little bit ?

    or it is just to maintian what i have got ?

    what norwood scale do i have ?


    I just what to to know what to expect from this drug. So not to be frustrated at last.



  5. I'm going to give you advice you may not want to hear but save up for better, your budget isn't enough to get a transplant with a good euro doc. With places like those mentioned you may end up with a decent hair transplant, or you could end up spending 4 and 5 times your initial budget on top of what you spent the first time out trying to fix what they screwed up and losing donors to boot, total crap shoot. Get it done right the first time, don't take any risks with this and if it means putting it off for a year or 2 to save up for that then so be it. I have talked to too many patients who went cheap and ended up miserable, depressed, with shit hair to suggest anything but what I am.


    i surely appreciate your advice!

    i know i wrote ''excluding turkey''. but in turkey for example there are many good clinics with a good reputation who offers the procedure for sth like 2000 eur more or less..

    you think it is better to avoid them as well?

  6. Hello guys

    I was asking about the best clinic for the surgery , in Europe '' excluding Turkey''

    i have a budget of 2500/3000 euros and not more, I know that might sound a bit low but i really cannot afford more than that.

    I have heard about Hairpalace in Hungary and Advanced hair clinics in Greece. Do you know anything about them?

    I would appreciate any other recommendations,


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