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Posts posted by jimyjamjack

  1. Hi all, just wanted to post my progress from my procedure at Asmed last Friday May 11th. I had about 1800 grafts to fill in my temples and hairline.


    I've posted pictures of the FUE placement from my consultation, 1 day post-op, and 6 days post-op. I had PRP injected into the recipient, and I think that may be why my recipient area has healed/scabbed fairly quickly (with most scabs off by days 5-6).


    Overall my experience at Asmed has been very positive. I had 1000 FUEs done at a US clinic 8 years ago, and in comparison, Asmed were way more hospitable so it was definitely worth traveling the distance. From a cost perspective, it cost me about half of what I would have paid in the US, even if I included airfare and staying in Istanbul for 1-week after the surgery to recover.


    286 Single

    1034 Double

    476 Triple

    14 Quads

    2 Quints


    1812 grafts


    2.12 hairs/grafts


    Average thickness 65 microns

    About 8500 donor grafts left




  2. I had an small 1000 graft FUE done in 2010 and I was happy with the results for the last 8 years. However, now my native hair around my temples and hairline are continuing to recede and my previous recipient area is looking sparse, and there's also thinning in the mid-scalp area.


    I'm thinking of getting a second FUE done and I've been quoted around 2000 grafts from a reputable doctor in Turkey. I'm not looking to lower my hairline but rather fill in my temples and hairline and hopefully address the mid-scalp area as well.


    I'm a little concerned with getting an FUE within my existing hair - is it safe to place within native hairs? I'm also a little concerned with shaving my whole head as the previous FUE area will be noticeably sparse compared to my forelock.


    I've added some pics of my hairline, midscalp, and temples. Any thoughts on my plan? I'm almost 38 years old and I've been on minox for 16 years, fin (0.25mg EOD) for 11 years, and use the laser comb fairly regularly.





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