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Posts posted by rjn5

  1. Hi,

    I am in mid 40s, and have been balding for 15+ years. I was a NW5/6 in hair loss. Then, I decided to get a transplant by Dr Gabel in Portland USA about 20 months ago. Given the amount of loss, we decided to focus on frontal restoration. 2300 grafts were planted. Mid-scalp and crown were left as-is. Here are some pictures of before and after.

    Before pics - the first two

    After pics - the last four

    1. What do you think of the results?

    2. I am wondering whether another transplant would be beneficial. Dr says there's about 2000 grafts he can harvest. Where should we target those grafts - the main options are a bit of touchup in front, mid-scalp and a bit a crown. Suggestions are welcome


    Before 1 - IMG-6139.jpg

    Before 2 - IMG-6140.jpg

    After 1 - Front.JPG

    After 1 - Top.JPG

    After 3 - Top View.JPG

    After 4 - Back View.JPG

  2. Thanks for the input folks. I am HIGHLY impressed by the examples, and how transformative they are. One of the most important decisions is choice of surgeon. Thankfully one of the top 5 US surgeons is located very close by. Few more queries

    1. @shera - congrats to you, what an amazing result.  3500 grafts have gone a long way.. We share some common hair loss characteristics. I have more crown loss than you circa 2014, and you had more frontal loss. I understand crown is much harder to restore. And Dr has anyways suggested to focus on front first. So perhaps my result should be similar to yours in the front with some bald spot left on crown. What do you think?

    2. @harin - thanks for sharing this example - https://www.eugenix.in/patient-shv-detail.html. Looks quite similar to mine

    3. I always keep thinking like this "Would HT restore hair to how I was at age X, albeit with lower frontal density"? You can replace "I" with anybody. For me, X=25 is ideal when I was quite happy with my hair. Now, I can settle for lower density in front. Is this the right way of thinking or not even close?

    4. What is the ballpark cost of $/graft. In the US, it's $5-7/graft. My options are mainly limited to US and India. Curious to know the Indian rates.

    5. Who are the top 3 HT surgeons in India? 

  3. I am in early 40s, South Asian Indian male with Nordwood 5 loss, programmed to reach Norwood 6. I have been balding for last 15 years now. Started with the crown, then front. I am strongly considering getting a transplant from Dr Gabel@Portland. I have done lot of research, read up various threads. 

    Doctor has suggested frontal restoration. Online research and Doctor’s words indicate there should be a dramatic improvement. Dr won’t go into additional detail. I would love to get a more quantified assessment. I wish if the Doctor could provide an after image showing the expected improvement. I understand there is always risk and gotchas. It would help clients if they know what is the best case scenario (visually) and caveats.

    For example, after the surgery would my frontal hairline resemble what it was 10 years ago (even then front had receded) as an example? Or would it be broader and less dense? I have attached 3 pictures – showing the current hairline, donor area. And a pic from 2008 (10 years ago) – would the hairline look like this after transplant?

    Please share your inputs. Thanks in advance.

    2018 Hairline 1.jpg


    Expected Outcome.jpg

  4. I just joined the forum yesterday and have been researching extensively. Prior to that I had talked to 2 local clinics in Seattle area. I am in early 40s with Nordwood 5 loss, programmed to reach Norwood 6. I am planning to get a transplant in next few months from either Dr Wong@Vancouver or Dr Gabel@Portland. I have few questions


    1. Based on previous local consultations, I have been advised 2500 grafts for front and 1200 for crown. Does it sound about right? I can share my hair pictures if that helps.


    2. FUE vs FUT - Costs aside, is FUE a clear winner given it leaves no scars? Should patient make this decision or let a great doctor decide and simply follow their advice.


    3. Curious about bald people. For example, look at Jeff Bezos, richest person in the world. He is completely bald. Such people have unlimited resources. Do they stay bald because they don't care? Or because there are limits to what hair restoration can do?

  5. Thanks for the feedback. Both Dr Gabel in Portland and Dr Wong in Vancouver are couple of hours from my place. Thus evaluating them closely. I have contacted their offices for initial consultation. How would you rate them on the quality of work? I have a slight preference for Dr Gabel since I am more comfortable visiting a smaller, less crowded city like Portland and not having to cross the border. Open to suggestions..

  6. Hi - I just joined the forum. I am a male in early 40s with Norwood 5 loss. Programmed to reach Norwood 6. Located in Seattle area.


    I am looking for hair transplant options. I have consulted with advancedhair.com in Bellevue and hairtransplantseattle.com in Kirkland. They provide a rosy picture of restoration using FUE technique and 2500 grafts. I have several questions


    1. How good are these clinics?

    2. What is the best doctor in my area and around?

    3. For Norwood 5 and going to 6, is hair transplant very effective? I am mostly interested in restoring frontal loss.

    4. How many grafts I need to get?

    5. I dont want to take any recurring medicines.Does it mean I have to be prepared for series of transplants OR just accept the inevitable hair loss and do nothing about it.


    Please provide input. Thanks in advance!

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