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Posts posted by denominator

  1. Hi guys, 5 month update

    hair is a little longer. not much growth in terms of transplanted hair as far as i can tell. i do feel stubble when i am massaging in my minoixidil so fingers crossed that these r transplanted hairs coming through.

    i'll be honest i'm a little disappointed i wasn't one of those with a glorious head of hair at 5 months but as i gather, not really much to see at 5 months for the average joe so still long way to go. 

    what really does concern me is the amount of hair i shed per day. i mean its not in the hundreds by any means but as i wait for the new hairs it almost sickens me when i see hair in my towel after a shower or even during a shower when i was my hair. i know hair fall is a normal thing even when not being destroyed my mpb but it really ruins my day.  ok rant over. 


    here are some of my pics.

    do note that i get decent coverage from the native hairs on my front and mid scalp but its the crown that gives the game away.


    5 months front top.jpg

    5 months left diagonal.jpg

    5 months left side.jpg

    5 months Ride diagonal.jpg

    5 months Right side.jpg

    5 months back.jpg

  2. 4 months post op.

    i wouldnt say its been fantastic but so far its been ok. no real improvement visually but i do feel some stubble within the transplanted zones. at four months its still early so i'm being patient. 

    these photos were taken in good natural light after i showered and blow dried my hair. i will take one with some toppik and dermatch in to show u guys how it looks with some concealer.

    been using alot less concealer now tbh


    4 months back.jpg

    4 months front.jpg

    4 months left oblique.jpg

    4 months Left side.jpg

    4 months r oblique.jpg

    4 months r side.jpg

  3. 14 hours ago, Shera said:

    Hi Denominator,

    Congratulations on reaching the 3 month milestone. You are likely just at the beginning of your growth and now should start seeing your hair gradually thickening over the coming months as more and more of the implanted grafts start to grow the new hairs.

    It actually already looks somewhat thicker than your pre-op photos.

    Stay positive and carry on with the regime. As always contact me direct whenever you wish to do so.

    Happy growing, exciting times ahead..........................



    2 hours ago, itxrd said:

    Looks great denom. 3 months is nothing. For me was after 4 I started to see growth. I'll post pics when back from hol but I'm on 10 months now and every month it's got better. Pleasantly surprising! You've done the hard bit. Now just be patient

    Cheers boys,

    i'll keep you all posted monthly from now

  4. hi guys, just a quick update on my progress. 

    currently just a bit more than 3 months in. 

    my native hairs have grown in

    still looks very raw and obviously balding but i'm not expecting any visible growth at this time.

    the only concern is i seem to be shedding alot. smaller thinner hairs. sometimes the longer ones. especially over the last 2 weeks. i have been on minoxidil for about 2 months now and maybe on the 5% for about 6-7 weeks. i really hope its the dread shed of minoxidil rather than the worsening of my mpb.


    anyways currently im on both minoxidil twice daily 5%, finasteride 1mg daily and biotin tab once a day

    i do use nizoral 1% about 2-3x per week

    i will attach my 2 month 3 month pics here.

    do let me know what you think especially about the increased shedding

    crown 2 months.jpg

    crown 3 months.jpg

    left 2 months.jpg

    left 3 months.jpg

    left diagonal 2 months.jpg

    left diagonal 3 months.jpg

    right 2 months.jpg

    right 3 months.jpg

    right diagonal 2 months.jpg

    right diagonal.jpg

    top down 3 months.jpg

  5. Some Pre-op photos before the head shave



    I'll be honest, i don't have high expectations. i'm actually rather pessimistic about the whole thing, but lets hope for the best!


    i've been on finasteride 10 months and will continue to take it for as long as i can

    also starting on minoxidil (for life) and biotin


    hopefully the meds kick in and i get a terrific result.


    cheers boys





  6. Ok here goes


    this is my experience with dr Tejinder bhatti


    i had my FUE with dr Bhatti on the 2nd of april 2018

    as i've previously stated i've been losing my hair since my early 20s

    fairly slow progression despite not being on medication

    subsequently worsened over the last 3 years since i started working after the my post graduate degree

    i'm a diffuse thinner mainly over the mid-scalp and crown with minimal recession of the hairline so far


    i had a terrible procedure in thailand on the 5th of may 2017 which basically worsened my hair loss due to shock loss and the subsequent poor growth.


    i've been able to cover up the balding with a combover but have had enough of it and decided to cough up the cash and get another HT with dr Bhatti.


    i had been emailing Dr Bhatti for atleast 3 months prior to the procedure as well as Shera who is Dr Bhatti's UK rep

    during our email correspondence, Dr Bhatti had suggested no more than 2500 grafts but i was quite keen for atleast 3500 grafts


    On the day of the procedure, Dr Bhatti examined my donor area and suggested that i stick to his initial graft count of 2500 as the donor area seemed overharvested. i was quite keen for more but he insisted that it will be enough. He also suggested that no grafts should be planted in my frontal region as there is a risk of shock loss.

    i'll be honest and admit that i was a tad disappointed as i was hoping for maximum grafts this time around but agreed with his assessment.


    In the end i ended up with 2374 grafts

    1888 scalp grafts

    236 singles

    1271 doubles

    381 triples


    + 486 beard grafts


    grand total of 4407 hairs


    The procedure itself was fairly straight forward

    Dr bhatti did the shaving, anaesthesia, graft harvesting and slit making

    the technicians placed the grafts


    the procedure started at about 9am and i left the clinic at about 5pm

    there was a break in between for lunch


    the next day i visited the clinic for a head wash and instructions on how to clean the donor and recipient zone. i also bought medication for the next 6 months which to be frank were ridiculously cheap.


    i will attach pictures from pre-op, immediately post op, day 3, and day 6 to this post.


    i will update this post at regular intervals

    mainly at 2 weeks, 1 month and then monthly


    In general i was satisfied with the experience.

    the only real disappointment was the graft count but hopefully it works out well.










  7. How did it go man?


    Hey mate, sorry been a lil bit hectic since i got back. i'll post a longer review in a few days


    in short it went ok. i did not get the graft count i was hoping for but the surgery and everything else went well. i'm healing well and currently the coverage looks adequate. i'll post pics as soon as i have some time.



  8. hi fellow HRN members, this is my thread on my HT experience with Dr Bhatti


    i am currently in Chandigarh, India.


    My HT is scheduled for tomorrow and i write this in the comfort of my hotel room, waiting anxiously my procedure tomorrow.


    i will be updating this thread at regular intervals and i intend to follow it thru till the final result.


    i will be posting pics once i am shaved down and my post op pics as well.


    Do note that i will be keeping a buzzcut up till at least month 4 post HT as i dont think i can handle the ugly ducking stage and a buzz cut just seems so much easier.


    Some background about me


    33 year old doctor of indian descent. i have lived in south east asia for the entirety of my life except for my university years which were spent in australia. i have been losing my hair slowly since the age of 22. i am a diffuse thinner and my dad is a full blown norwood 7, while even my mum is high up the ludwig scale. They are both in their 60s and really started losing their hair in their 40s. My younger brother, who is four years younger than me, is even worse off than me which is really pretty messed up tbh.


    Anyways, so in May of last year, i made the dreadful decision to have a hair transplant in thailand. It was a classic panic move as 2 people i work with in the months prior told me that i was balding and it triggered a panic response that i am not proud of. frantically searched the internet and basically booked the 1st clinic that replied to me. Textbook.

    i hadn't been on any hair loss medication prior to that and as expected i not only had had poor returns on the 2000 grafts by FUE that i had, i suffered massive shock loss. so 11 months down the road i am worse off than when i 1st started this journey.


    this time around i did my research. i've spoken to dr bhatti's patients and his representatives. i can say that based on my research he seems to be one of the best, if not THE best, FUE surgeon in asia.


    This time around i have been on finasteride for 10 + months and plan to start minoxidil after the hair transplant.


    i am hoping for a better result this time around and will be update this thread periodically as a way to give back to this community that has helped me so much.


    say a prayer for me guys!


    special thanks to Shera, Dr Bhatti's UK representative, who helped me with transport and hotel bookings as well as answering all my questions personally.


    Just some advice for anyone planning on coming to dr bhatti, please do yourself a favour and get a flight to chandigarh. the six hour drive from delhi is no joke and i can't imagine having to do that post op.

  9. hey man, would u say slow growth or so far no growth? looks better currently than say compared to yr post shed photos thats for sure. it looks very similar to pre-op though.


    But then again, its barely been 4 months. the new hairs should barely be sprouting now. i think you are right on course mate. i am 10 days away from getting my HT with dr Bhatti. i am rooting for you to have a fantastic result my friend.



  10. Hey yes sorry was meaning to. I think it's getting there. Bear in mind the pic looks bad as it's in harsh light with a flash. In normal conditions I'd say my hair looks like it did a few years ago. It's definitely getting a bit better. This is 5 months on. Doc always said I'd see real story from march.


    Let us know what you think anyway


    so u feel its an improvement from pre-op then? i means thats basically all we are looking for right? LOL

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