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Posts posted by haircutislife2018

  1. Thank you for posting such a detailed and in-depth review. I recently contacted Dr. Koray and I decided to go through with the hairtransplant somewhere in February next year.


    Three question, do you know if its possible to pay by card at ASMED or is it more preferable to wire money in advance?


    Second; Do the ASMED driver take you to the airport for the departure home?


    And third; would you say that you are a guy that has normally medium to long hair? (Im just trying to compare to myself since your pre-op pictures looks like my condition). I got counted for 4000 grafts and 80cm^2.

  2. You should also consider Dr. Diep, a forum recommended surgeon who's Asian and does a lot of Asian HT's:

    Definitely go for what you want, but one thing surgeons and others may tell you, is to be realistic with your hairline goals esp since your hair will probably recede at some point (you still are young) and everyone's donor supply is limited. What did Koray say about your hairline goal and how many grafts is he recommending? (He seems to do amazing work)


    thank you for your reply buzzbee. That video you linked was spot on, I can identify my current hair situation as that guy on the video. I got my reply from Dr.Koray today, and an operation consisting 4000 grafts is need for the frontal and temple areas (total of 80cm^2). Dr. Koray is very positive to be able to give me the desired hairline. I'll keep this updated.


    We can't advise you since you didn't mention how long you've been losing hair for. We don't know how aggressive your hair loss has been nor what your hair used to look like. We also don't know if you're on any preventative meds such a fin and if so, for how long.


    Without knowing anything, the standard answer is that nobody knows if/when your hairloss will stabilize, therefore you'll need to consider the long term and assume that you'll lose more. Which means that hairline is too low and your expectations may be unrealistic. If you can, do more research.


    hi jimbrann, I was born with a very high hairline. I had almost none hairloss so far and my father started to recede his hairline at the age of 61 so to answer your question, my hairline has always been like that (noticed at the age of 12:)). Im not on any medication at the moment. but Dr. Koray recommended to start with finesteride.



    To sum it up. I got a response from Dr. Koray today regarding 4000 grafts, 80cm^2 that going to cover frontal and temple areas. He's positive that he can achieve my desired hairline.


    I keep my fingers crossed :)

  3. Hello everyone,


    First off I want to thank this wonderful community to have enlighten this topic and solutions for me.


    I have been lurking around this forum for 1-2 months now and decided that a hairtransplant might do me good. I have chosen to go with Dr. Erdogan Koray since he got good reputation and successful FUE operations with hairlines.


    My story is simple. I have always wondered why I could not pull of those awesome cool hairstyles that you could see on the covers of magazines, simple answer, I have a very high hairline. Luckily I have not yet gotten any receding ony my head. I have the luck to have very thick and bush-like hair back of the head.


    My goal is to pull of medium lengths undercut hairstyles if possible later on.

    I would like the advice and tips from the community before I do anything rashfully.

    I have set my mind into doing 2 operations if needed to cover the frontal.

    Could anyone give me an estimation of amount of grafts needed?



    Summary info:


    29 years old, asian ethnicity living in Sweden

    Always had a very high hairline

    Goes to the gym, eats properly with food.

    No health issues or sickness



    *Sorry for the messy room.

    **I read that for an asian male the hairline should be located 5-6cm from the eyebrow for the best aesthetics. The line is where 5cm goes and the big black dot is where 6cm goes.

    ***The last picture is when I push my hair forward to cover the bald area.










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