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Posts posted by Racer914

  1. Hello fellow forum community, just wanted to update this thread as it has been practically 2 years since the procedure. 

    Where has the time gone!? 

    I have to admit, I've been able to cut & style my hair in a manner in which I was unable (or really unwilling to) before the procedure. 

    Now I have no fear of however I feel to style my hair every morning, or fear of it being un-styled due to other factors, such as a windy day. 

    I just recently met with Dr. Alexander last week, as he made a trip to LA, where in which I was able to express my gratitude to him for forever changing my appearance to a more youthful look. I also met Spex in person for the first time too, who initially before the procedure, was a mass amount of help with regards to all of the questions and concerns I had. 

    Spex will add some photos following this post, of when we all met last week. 

    The analogy of "night & day" difference isn't enough to compare where I came from to where I am now. 

    I truly can't express my gratitude enough for Dr. Alexander, his team, and Spex. 

    If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. 









  2. Hello fellow forum community,


    I’d like to share with you all my personal story of hair loss restoration in hopes of helping those who may see this, and be able to provide them with information, and more importantly, hope for a brighter future.


    Well, what can I say.. It’s been one year to the date since I had my hair transplant surgery with Dr. Scott Alexander and his fantastic team at the Biltmore Surgical Hair Restoration center on December 19, 2016, and I would like to share my journey leading up to and throughout today’s one year anniversary with you all.


    The Beginning: Hair Transplant #1


    In 2009 while still in college I started to notice for the first time a thinning and receding hairline. As most of you could imagine at this younger age in life, it was completely devastating to my self-esteem, self – confidence, and self – image. I was so blindsided by this new look, it was as if I had awoken to a new me literally overnight.


    After weighing several options of how I would tackle this new burden I rushed towards a hair transplant surgery the very first moment I had. Little did I know what I’d be getting myself in to..


    Back then, although it doesn’t seem that long ago, Bosley commercials seemed to be plastered everywhere, and the young me was on a mission to resolve my hair loss ASAP. Within the week, I had scheduled a review meeting and the then anticipated procedure date with their Beverly Hills office.


    Soon thereafter, I had undergone a FUT hair transplant with one of their doctors (whose name I can’t remember) for roughly 1,100 – 1,300 grafts. Unfortunately I can’t remember the exact amount. As I was in the midst of the early stage of recovery, I happened to be in Las Vegas flipping through the channels on the TV and saw a Bosley commercial pop up, and coincidentally saw the same doctor who performed my FUT surgery in the commercial! As I look back on that day, I admit I was too young back then to really realize how I should’ve felt about seeing that commercial that day, but I didn’t, and I thought nothing of it.


    Round Two: Hair Transplant #2


    Several months later my first hair transplant experience was a success… a very lucky success as I would later realize. The Bosley FUT hair transplant, for what it’s worth, gave me several years (seven to be exact) of a care free type of life style (in relation to my hair). Unfortunately as with ageing, what was once a restored hairline had begun to thin once again, and I knew I would have to embark on a second procedure.


    This time around, I did my due diligence and I researched for several months what was the best route and option for me, while also reading numerous Bosley horror stories.. As many years had passed since I had looked in to researching this matter, the technology in this field had grown significantly and I wanted to make sure I knew all about it. I can certainly say that this forum was a true gem in answering all my questions, and sufficing all my queries and needs with the abundance of pictures, and doctoral input throughout the many threads available within this community.


    After the several months of researching hundreds of threads and viewing probably over a few thousand pictures of how many grafts this person had vs. how many grafts that person had, and who they went to, and how they had it done, I became dead set on proceeding with Dr. Scott Alexander.


    Through my initial conversations with SPEX on behalf of Dr. Alexander, I felt more and more comfortable with proceeding with my second hair transplant journey with the Biltmore Surgical Hair Restoration center. The key and what was the most important factor to me after thoroughly doing all of my research was that Dr. Alexander himself was the one who would be performing the procedure, and not a blind draw in the hat of who would be doing it e.g. Bosley.*


    After several conversations with Dr. Alexander, I had scheduled my second procedure with him and his team on December 19, 2016. We planned for a 2000 graft FUE procedure that utilized the ARTAS system for extraction, along with dipping the grafts in Acell, then utilizing Dr. Alexander’s lateral slit technique for insertion for that natural look.


    As the surgery date approached, I flew to Arizona from LA and was housed at the beautiful Biltmore Hotel – Arizona, which happened to be designed by Frank Lloyd Wight.. truly a sight to see and a very comfy hotel to relax at post – op.


    On the day of the procedure I arrived bright and early, ready to embark on this new journey. After briefly talking with Dr. Alexander, and taking the initial photos pre – procedure (below), we began on the surgery. The procedure went off without a hitch and Dr. Alexander, his team, and the ARTAS machine worked magic over the next several hours.


    Before I knew it, it was all over and was time to go back to the hotel. After discussing all of the post op procedures I’d have to follow, including getting on finasteride, I was on my way to a new me!


    Since then, I’ve had tremendous growth in which I am very happy about as you can see below. I feel like I once again have the ability to cut, crop and maneuver my hair in to new styles whenever and as often as I want, without the caring of who’s noticing a thin spot, as there is no more thin spots!


    So.. enough from me.. let’s let the pictures do the talking.



















































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