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Posts posted by AlextheAmerican

  1. You lose weight when your intake is less than your calories burned. Period.


    Keep your diet in check, exercise and build some muscle. It's truly a lifestyle change if you want it badly enough. There are no shortcuts.


    This dude nailed it. Either that or start snorting cocaine. You won't even bother eating anymore.

  2. Hey Alex .. I can feel your pain .. I’m panicking at the early onset of hair loss .n it’s stressful . people with a more aggressive hair loss and especially at an early age , it must be extra difficult . I hope things go well for you . Wish u the best In life .


    It's all good, man. Gotta take what you can get. My hairline isn't total garbage so hopefully fin lets me hold it for a while and maybe replicel can keep me strong. We'll see. Either way, we're all in the same boat. Just know you're looking good now, man.

  3. I have had a friend had it done. We've both had plenty of tattoos. His exact words were "the front is smooth sailing. I'd rate it a max of a 5. The back though sometimes spiked to a 7, but it really wasn't worth complaining about". Anecdotal, but I hope it helps some.

  4. Currently it's the most promising treatment in terms of soon to be available new options, with 2018 Japan release on the horizon then Europe soon after. A lot of their early R&D was based on safety of the treatment (making sure it doesn't induce tumors etc) so subsequent efforts may produce better results when they concentrate on higher concentrations of the growth agent.


    I think it will be much longer for the US market due to the more stringent regulations in place but we will see.

    A good summary of the treatment and status can be found here.

    Ultimate Guide to Hair Regeneration 2017 – Follicle Thought


    Also, I just wanted to mention that I love the FollicleThought guy. He's fantastic.

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