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Posts posted by fakename123

  1. Thanks for the responses everyone.


    Actually I would think the red circle area is where it would look good to have a thinning look, especially as you get older, but I’m all for being conservative.


    I guess my concern is that when I look at photos of what I would consider successful results online, it seems like they always put more in that area / along the hairline than I received... but then they are pretty much always 1000+ more grafts too.


    As for graft direction, somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think you can really tell at this early stage how they’re gonna look after they fully shed and regrow? Bc you’re not seeing the direction of the grafts but rather the hairs which have been moved and messed with so...


    Whew well that makes me feel a lot better. I had read a couple comments to that effect, I was hoping someone here could confirm.

  2. Hey all,


    33M, one month post op from a 1700 graft FUE by a reputable surgeon. I inquired about getting more grafts done and my surgeon talked me out of it, now I'm regretting not insisting.


    I realize I'm at the stage where it is supposed to look bad, but I'm really worried that I did not get enough grafts in the area that I care most about. I've attached some pics taken today with the area I'm concerned about circled.


    My question to you guys is how soon I can reasonably get another procedure done. My surgeon told me I should wait at least a year but I just can't. I was on the waiting list to see this guy forever, now I've got to wait a year to see the results from this procedure, then wait *another* year to see results from that?


    In addition I'm concerned about the angle of the grafts although I couldn't really capture it in the pics. To my eye they look unnatural compared to my regular hair. They are very roughly facing the same direction, but it's not uniform at all like natural hair.






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