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Posts posted by Jimmybalding

  1. I would like to share my experience of hair transplant in the HLC clinic in Ankara, Turkey. I had been thinking about that for a long time. Since it was my first surgery I wanted to use maximum 2300 grafts and see how my body reacts to the procedure. Another reason why I choose HLC clinic in Ankara was that all procedures​ are performed by doctors themselves not by technicians. Final and main reason was that every hair transplant at the HLC is being performed in a manual extraction process only.


    I flew to Ankara on 14.05.17 and I have stayed there until 18.05.17. I have landed in Ankara airport at the evening where driver, Mr. Selami was waiting for me. The transport to the apartment went smoothly and took around 45 minutes, apartment is vice versa to the HLC clinic.


    I was collected by Mr. Engin next morning for breakfast in the clinic, worth to notice is that lunch and a snacks are provided. After breakfast blood test has been taken, then the hairline by Dr. Ozgur Oztan and his entire team has been designed. I had photos from my childhood and could of course express wishes for the hairline.


    The two operating days were the same. I was operated by Dr. Ali and his team. Dr. Ali is very professional and I could ask for a short break at any time. A total of 2305 grafts were taken out from back of my head, and then inserted into the receiving area. After each day, the head was protected by a bandage.


    From the first post-op day I applied on my donor area bepanthen-lotion and sprayed the recipient area with saline solution as recommended. I am very satisfied with the clinic, the consultation and the performance of the surgery and I am looking forward to see the results.


    I will keep you up to date on the result. If you have any questions, just let me know!


    Best regards



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