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Posts posted by Alexeus

  1. There are plenty of docs that will still work on you.


    You are right. And yesterday few responded to me and I address now their offers. Two from India, one from Greece, two clinics in Turkey, they even take HIV patients.


    That said, if you think it is ridiculous we only do one patient a day, you need to do more research.


    What you are describing is a Turkish hair transplant mill.


    And over here probably you are right, but this mill works and works very good.


    What else do you need besides good results? They do it and give it to you.


    A top doc will count every graft and the number of hairs in those grafts. Your saying it's good that the clinics you describe shoot from the hip? That s how you get multiples in the hairline, crappy yield, and you look the a dollar store doll on your head.


    Unless it's a new clinic and some dummies work over there, they don't do such a mistakes anymore. I've been researching this field for almost a year and I think I can be already a hair transplant surgeon ))))


    I didn't want to offend anybody, I am sorry. I just wonder how quick, silently and effective they work without claiming themselves Certified (!) Surgeons with "hundred" years experience.


    You could also be better served to get a hair system than a Go to a hair mill.


    This "Hair System" is in the stagnation phase compare to "Hair Mill" which effectively works and does the perfect job.


    Our doctors, - by thinking about grafts, - actually thinking only about money! You can vividly see it by watching how their webpages work. They jump right away on everyone who just visited it. And they charge 6 to 8 dollars per graft, are you kidding me? As I said before: do they buy their ARTAS machines just to have them in the clinic for show off or they want them actually work?


    I thought they learn economy in the school and universities. They forgot how quantity can improve their business. If they can not count, then they need to suffer with no customers untill they realise what is going on.


    They need to hire me, to change their situation ))) I would do some changes in their minds and force them to actual work. They need to move, to start actually doing their job, and THINK about what they do!!! It's very important. And little by little get it to the point when they will be booked for months ahead, with (at least) few customers per day. I would make the price no more than $2 per graft, preferrably even $1. And work, and work, and work...


    I say: half of our lifes we work for our names and the other half our name is working for us. American hair surgeons don't understand this. It's been so many years they worked in this field, and no one of them is worked for their name... :(

  2. Hello everybody!


    I am a patient after succesful Hepatitis C treatment (Epclusa). It's a very strong medication and I believe that it played it's own role on loosing my hair more although my doctor says that it doesn't do such an effect. But anyway.


    After that treatment (in 2017) we did my blood work (first in august 2017 and then in January 2018, six month after) and according to the laboratory result, sustained virologic response (SVR) showed that I don't have any detactable virus in my blood. In USA (I don't know about other countries but according to my recent expirience they don't) patients like me considered as CURED.


    The only thing we will always have in our blood is anti-bodies of hepatitis C. Which accually they checking for in Turkey.


    I spoke to some clinic in Turkey. They got my photos, we agreed on operation and I already came there but after they took my blood they started saying that I have a Hepatitis C and don't suit for the operation. And all my explanations was denied.


    So, my question is: Are we doomed (people like me)?


    Is it possible for us to get a hair transplant operation or we will hear only excuses and kind readdress-es with "honest" wishes for us to find the other ("right") clinic?


    Is anybody knows anything about this?


    And another question which is not coming out from my head: what is wrong with our american clinics??? Why they are so expensive? They are buying ARTAS robotic machines just to have it, or they are buying it to get it worked?


    I saw at least ten people came to that clinic (that day) wich I used to be and all of those people were admitted and went to the operation room for the surgery.


    In America we do one patient per day!!! This is ridiculous... And price... What's up with the price guys? Why all inclusive in Turkey cost $1,800 and over here the same operation 4000-5000 grafts will cost you $$20,000-30,000 dollars?


    I understand that we have different living but isn't it really coudn't be a less then that? phhh... They don't even count those grafts... they just say: few thousands gonna cost that much... It means that their hair transplant operations goes much smooth and easier (as I understand) if they don't pay so much attention to every graft they extract. Why can't we do the same? Why we can not learn from them? Why we say everywhere that we certified surgeons with hundred years expirience but in reality we worth nothing and don't do the job they do?

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